The World As Feelings Explained (Upright, Reversed & Combinations)

The World is a tarot card that generally represents a sense of order, community, wholeness and peace.

On top of that, this card also represents the material or physical world.

The World is the card that signifies a time when everything is in its rightful place.

It is a reminder that we are all connected and that what we do to one person, we do to ourselves. We are all one.

When the World shows up in a tarot reading that focuses on feelings, or how someone feels about you, there are some interesting insights this card can offer.  

In this blog post, we’ll explore what the World tarot card means when it comes to feelings, and how you can interpret the card in a tarot reading.

Let’s begin!

The World As Feelings

When it comes to feelings, the World tarot card in upright position indicates that someone feels like they are in a good place. They feel balanced and at peace with themselves and their surroundings. When it comes to romantic feelings, the World indicates how they feel you are their perfect match.

They feel a strong connection with you and believe that you understand them on a deep level.

This person likely feels that they have found their place in the world with you.

They feel a sense of completion and wholeness in your relationship.

If you are in a relationship with someone who has the World card in their reading, then you can be sure that they feel very strongly about you and are likely very committed to the relationship.

The World card indicates that this person feels like you are somebody they can truly rely on.

It is a very positive card when it comes to love as it signifies they see you as a positive influence in their life. 

When it comes to feelings for an ex, the World indicates that even though there may have been a break up, they likely still feel a strong connection. 

This is especially true if the World is in their reading along with other positive cards such as the Lovers or the 10 of Cups

With the World card on our side, it indicates that we are able to see the bigger picture and find meaning in our lives.

This card also suggests that we are ready to move on from a particular phase in our lives.

This could either mean exploring new horizons or taking on an entirely new challenge.

Whatever it is, the World is a sign that we have the confidence and ability to achieve our highest goals. 

The World tarot card also serves as a reminder that our emotions are fluid.

Even though we can feel on top of the world one day and a bit lost the next, we have to ride the waves of our emotions and trust that they will eventually lead us back to shore.

Understanding the meaning of each and every tarot card card be quite a challenge! If you would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more easethis article I wrote will definitely give you some inspiration!

The World Reversed As Feelings

The World in reversed position indicates that someone feels disconnected from their surroundings. They feel adrift in a sea of emotions which makes it difficult to find deeper meaning. This is a challenging place to be, but it is important to remember that these emotions will eventually pass.

When it comes to romantic feelings, the World in reverse suggests that someone may be feeling insecure or doubtful in their relationship.

It suggests that they feel like they are not good enough or that their partner is not really committed to them.

Even though this can be a tough time to go through, it is important to remember that relationships are always evolving and changing.

If we are willing to work on ourselves, we can find our way back to a place of peace, happiness and love. 

When it comes to an ex, the World in reversed position can suggest that someone is feeling nostalgic for a past relationship.

They could be longing for the good times and wondering if they will ever be able to find that same level of connection again.

This is a normal feeling to go through, but at the same time it is crucial to know that relationships do ultimately not define us.

We are always free to create new experiences that are even better than the ones we have left behind. 

The World in reverse is a true card of transition

It can indicate that we need to make some changes in our lives in order to find greater fulfilment. 

The World Combinations As Feelings

When the World tarot card appears in a reading with other tarot cards, it can give us some additional insights into our feelings and experiences.

Let’s go ahead and look at some of the most important and meaningful combinations with the World card!

The World And The Fool As Feelings

When the World card appears together with the Fool card, it suggests that someone feels confused about their emotions. 

It indicates that they may need more time to explore their true feelings and find out what this truly means.

In love and romance, the combination of the World and the Fool can suggest that they may feel like they are not really sure what they want or where they stand with their partner.

The Fool tarot card from the Modern Witch Tarot Deck
The Fool tarot card from the beautiful Modern Witch Tarot Deck (check out the current price here!)

This can be a confusing and frustrating time, but every relationship has its ups and down every now and then.

This combination of cards represents a time of new beginnings and asks for believing and trusting that things will eventually lead us to where we need to be.  

The World And The Magician As Feelings

When the World and the Magician appear together during a tarot reading, it often indicates that someone feels a bit out of control of their emotional state of mind.

The Magician is all about taking control and using our willpower to create the life we want, but when the World is present as well it can suggest a feeling of lostness. 

This combination of cards can also indicate that someone is feeling overwhelmed by their feelings and likely needs some time to process everything that is going on.

When it comes to an ex and their feelings, this combination of the World and the Magician often suggests that they have not yet fully moved on.

The most important thing to do here though is, is to figure out what it is you truly want for yourself.

Make sure you move towards the things that will make you most happy in the long run, not just something that will just give you pleasure right now.

The Magician tarot card from the Modern Witch Tarot Deck

The World And The High Priestess As Feelings

The combination of the World and the High Priestess is a very positive one, and it often indicates that someone feels in tune with their emotions.

The High Priestess is all about intuition and listening to our inner voice and when she appears with the World, it suggests that we are doing just that.

We our connected to our deepest feeling and trust our gut instinct. 

In a love reading, the combination of the World and the High Priestess is often a very positive sign.

It suggests that the couple is in tune with each other’s emotions and they are able to connect and communicate on a deep level, sometimes even telepathically.

This is a relationship that is built on trust and mutual respect and has the potential to be very long lasting.

The World And The Empress As Feelings

The World and the Empress together indicate that someone is feeling very connected to their feminine side.

The Empress is a card that represents a strong sense of creative and intuitive energy and when she appears together with the World, it suggests that we are tapping into that creative power.

It indicates a great deal of inspiration and productivity.

In a love reading, this combination suggests that your person is feeling very connected to their femininity and they’re enjoying all the creative and nurturing energy that comes with it.

This is a great time to further explore your relationship and allow it it to blossom.

This person feels like you get them on a deep level and there’s a great chance that they’re falling in love with you.

The Empress tarot card from the Modern Witch Tarot Deck

The World And The Emperor As Feelings

When the World shows up with the Emperor on their side, it can indicate that someone is feeling out of balance.

The Emperor represents structure and order, while the World represents completion.

This combination tends to indicate that someone is feeling like they are being pulled in too many direction and are struggling to find a sense of stability.

In a love reading, the combination of these two cards can indicate that the relationship feels a bit unstable.

There could be some power struggles between you and your person, and each person could be trying to control the other in some sort of way.

If this seems to be the case, it is important to remember that successful relationships are built on compromise and mutual respect. 

Only when these are balanced is it that they can truly thrive.

The Emperor tarot card from the Modern Witch Tarot Deck

The World And The Hierophant As Feelings

The combination of the World and the Hierophant suggests that someone is feeling a need for structure and guidance in their life.

They could be seeking out advice from experts in a certain field, or they could be leaning more into spirituality for answers.

When it comes to love, this combination indicates that the relationship is based mainly on traditional values.

The two of you appear to be very supportive of each-other and have a strong foundation of trust.

This is a relationship that can potentially last a lifetime.

When it comes to romantic feelings, the World and the Hierophant together suggests that your person feels strongly connected to you.

Final Thoughts

The World tarot card is a complex yet nuanced card that can give us insights into our deepest feelings and emotions.

It is a reminder that our emotions are just part of our human experience and we can choose how we want to engage with them.

When the World card appears in a reading, it is a sign that we should take the time to explore our feelings and find greater understanding.

This is a positive time and we should truly enjoy it while it lasts.

However we should also be prepared for change.

If you would like to learn more about the best type of questions to ask your tarot cards with regards to love and relationships, then definitely make sure to check out this other blog post I wrote as well! 

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