The Queen Of Cups And King Of Swords Combination: Upright & Reversed

The Queen of Cups and King of Swords as a tarot card combination can provide you with some surprising insights during your tarot reading. 

As both cards can be interpreted in rather different ways, I’ve decided to write this article to help you understand the meaning of the Queen of Cups and King of Swords when being pulled together. 

You’ll find out both the meaning of this tarot card combination in the upright and reversed position!

The Queen of Cups & King of Swords card from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Queen Of Cups And King Of Swords Meaning

The Queen of Cups and King of Swords combination generally represents a sense of balance as both empathy, intellect and logic come together. It symbolizes being able to follow your heart while at the same time keeping it rational. It indicates the importance to put yourself first. 

Whereas the Queen of Cups is known as someone who tends to put everyones needs before her own, this tarot card combination with the King of Swords implies the need to take care of yourself first this time. 

With regards to love and relationships, the Queen of Cups and King of Swords combined represent the softening effect the Queen has on the King. With her loving and caring attitude, she (referring to the more feminine counterpart, regardless of gender) is able to emotionally open up the King of Swords (referring to the more masculine counterpart, regardless of gender) and let his guard down. 

In-Depth explanation of the Queen of Cups tarot card, video by The Simple Tarot 

Queen Of Cups And King Of Swords Reversed Meaning 

When pulled in reversed position, the Queen of Cups and King of Swords combination represents the inability to seperate the chaff from the weath. It indicates a sense of naivity when it comes to connections with others. Someone may have dishonest intentions towards you.

It’s time to take a step back and get in touch with your intuition. When you take away other’s thoughts and opinions, what is it that comes to mind? Listen to your inner voice and do what you feel is right for you. Don’t let others influence your decisions or plans in a negative way. 

When it comes to love, relationships and feelings, the Queen of Cups and King of Swords combination in reversed position indicates an imbalance. The person who represents the King of Swords is likely to put up a wall and act closed off to the person who embodies the Queen of Cups in the relationship. 

In-Depth explanation of the King of Swords tarot card, video by The Simple Tarot

 If you liked this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading! 

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