The Queen Of Cups And King Of Wands Combination: Upright & Reversed

The Queen of Cups and King of Wands as a tarot card combination are a truly complementing couple. Even though these cards both have quite a different meaning, they do fit eachother well.

When it comes to the meaning of this tarot card combination, it can be challenging to understand how to translate these cards during your tarot reading and apply them to your own situation. That’s why in this article you’ll find a clear interpretation of the Queen of Cups and King of Wands combined in both the upright and reversed position. 

Without further ado, let’s dive right in!

queen of cups and king of wands combination
The Queen of Cups & King of Wands card from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Queen Of Cups And King Of Wands Meaning

The Queen of Cups and King of Wands combination generally represents the ability to fully trust on your intuition and follow your desired goals with confidence and perserverance. This tarot card combination implies you possess the right characteristics to succeed.  

When these two cards present themselves to you during your tarot reading, you can take it as a sure fire sign that it’s recommended to follow your heart and feelings. Do what feels right to you and don’t let the opinions of others change your mind. You are the only one who knows what’s best for you. 

When it comes to the Queen of Cups and King of Wands combination with regards to love and feelings, these cards indicate you are a great match. You complement each other quite well. The Queen of Cups can be described as the soft one of the two, and the King of Wands is the more assertive one. 

In-Depth explanation of the Queen of Cups tarot card, video by The Simple Tarot 

Queen Of Cups And King Of Wands Reversed Meaning 

When pulled in reversed position, the Queen of Cups and King of Wands combination represents a sense of self-doubt and oversensitivity. These tarot cards combined imply it’s time to allow yourself to take some rest. When your battery is reloaded, you will feel energized to take on new challenges. 

When you’re tired, it can be quite easy to feel demotivated and insecure. Self-care is important at this stage. Take a step back and put yourself first. Be kind to yourself and don’t have too much expectations. Your time to shine will come again once you’ve refuelled yourself. 

In-Depth explanation of the King of Wands tarot card, video by The Simple Tarot

 If you liked this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading! 

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