King Of Wands As Feelings (What They Won’t Tell You)

The King of Wands is a powerful tarot card. It’s a card that represents true leadership and perseverance.

When it comes to how someone feels towards you, the King of Wands has an interesting interpretation.

In this article you’ll find out the meaning of this tarot card when pulled in either the upright or reversed position.

On top of that, we’ll also go over some insightful tarot card combinations and their meaning with regards to feelings. Without further ado, let’s dive straight in! 

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The King Of Wands Explained

Before getting into what this card means for love and relationships, it’s good to first understand the King of Wands’ overall significance.

Knowing this card’s general traits lays the groundwork for providing valuable insights into feelings, attraction, and partnerships when drawn in a love reading.

The King of Wands is a confident and ambitious leader associated with the suit of wands in the tarot deck.

As a court card, the King symbolizes taking charge and guiding others with a charismatic, visionary spirit.

On an element of fire, the card resonates with the qualities of fire – assertiveness, drive, and enthusiasm.

When the King appears in a tarot spread, it can indicate taking on more of these fiery traits oneself or dealing with them in others.

Regarding professional life and leadership, the card favors those who initiate projects boldly and follow through with grit.

The King’s appearance often bodes well for career success that stems from one’s deepest interests and talents. 

On a spiritual level, the King signifies aligning with your true calling and purpose.

His element of fire, qualities and keywords all relate to confidence, vision and pioneering spirit – traits that often lead to positive outcomes over the long run if guided constructively.

On a more personal level, the King’s passionate nature also applies to matters of the heart.

His fire element signifies the intensity of passionate feelings, attraction to adventurous partners, and pursuit of fulfillment through intimate new relationships.

The King of Wands’ meaning of this card points to a blossoming wand on one’s spiritual path.

Upright King Of Wands As Feelings

The King of Wands indicates intense passionate feelings. The person who represents the King of Wands is feeling extremely attracted to you, especially in the physical sense. They love being around you and feel very driven to let you in on their true feelings and intentions. 

A person who embodies the King of Wands upright is likely feeling a burst of energy when they are in close proximity to you.

Their face will immediately light up as soon as they get a glimpse of you.

The King of Wands in the upright position feels very confident when it comes to winning over the heart of their desired love interest.

They can be very charming and often have a great talent when it comes to making you laugh. 

the King of Wands card from the popular Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

The King of Wands is not someone with a general way of thinking.

They are often very free-spirited individuals who are open to trying out new things in the broadest sense of the word.

When a King of Wands is into you, they will be the one to take the first step and make it very clear what their intentions are towards you.

They are very honest when it comes to their true feelings and are not insecure to open themselves up.

They love to experience a challenge and won’t easily give up. 

Besides feeling attracted, they also feel the need to protect you at all times.

They want to be the one to make sure you feel safe and taken care for. They will take any action needed to achieve this. 

All in all, the King of Wands in a love tarot reading indicates intense passionate feelings towards their love interest.

A person embodying this card would openly communicate their feelings and intentions, lighting up with fiery energy in their love interest’s presence.

As a court card representing a natural leader with charismatic qualities, the King of Wands takes initiative in relationships.

They are confident in winning over people with their charm and talent for humor.

In a relationship reading, the King of Wands shows honesty about feelings without insecurity.

They bring passion and protection to a relationship, wanting to care for their partner.

With strong leadership skills and inner strength, the King of Wands in an upright position in a spread shows someone capable of commitment for the long haul.

Their fiery nature drives them to succeed in career and love life, indicating this could be a very good time of new opportunities if they channel their energy positively with open communication.

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Reversed King Of Wands As Feelings

When pulled in a reversed position, the King of Wands represents someone who is feeling entitled to get whatever it is they want. They feel like they are more important than others and can act in quite forceful manners when it comes to reaching their desired goals. 

These particular feelings and behaviour often stems from a deep and hidden insecurity inside the King of Wands which causes them to act quite egotistically. 

A person who represents the King of Wands likes to feel in control at any given time.

When they feel like someone else is taking the control out of their hands, they tend to become bitter and feel irritated.

This person will either pull back and stop communicating or say things they may regret later on.

When reversed in a love tarot reading, the King of Wands represents someone acting on negative feelings like entitlement over their desires and control issues.

Their usual charismatic leadership qualities and passion are replaced by egotism stemming from inner insecurity.

They may become bitter and irritable if feeling a loss of control in the relationship.

Without the upright King of Wands’ usual clear vision and positive channeled fire energy, this person’s forceful behavior could damage prospects for long-term commitment. 

A reversed King in a career reading might show someone prioritizing their own wants over hard work and cooperation with colleagues.

Unless addressing the underlying issues causing this reversal through personal growth, this person’s leadership skills and qualities are hindered.

King of Wands tarot card meaning being explained at 57:33, video by Moonlight Guidance

King Of Wands Combinations

King Of Wands And Emperor As Feelings

The King of Wands combined with the Emperor indicates someone is feeling extremely responsible with regards to a specific situation. They feel like it is their job to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders for you and help you find some release. 

This person sees themselves in a leadership role within the connection and wants to support your growth through challenges with their natural charisma and vision for the future.

As a passionate leader, they are focused on establishing stability, structure and guidance so you both can achieve great things together over the long term.

King Of Wands And Queen Of Wands As Feelings

The King of Wands and the Queen of Wands combined represent feelings of high compatibility, especially with regards to the physical aspect. These two cards indicate you fit together like yin and yang. You both feel very attracted to each other and have the same intentions towards the relationship. 

This passionate couple is aligned in their creative talents and drive to pursue shared goals over the long haul through balanced cooperation.

Their chemistry allows each person’s fire to be fueled by the other in a nurturing dynamic full of adventure, activity and shared interests.

King Of Wands And The Lovers As Feelings

The King of Wands and the Lovers combined indicate feelings of attraction in every sense of the word. This person feels deeply in love with you and finds you both extremely beautiful and interesting at the same time. They feel like they’ve found the best of both worlds in you. 

This good omen shows a heartfelt bond where each party supports the other’s growth and autonomy through open communication and compromise.

As a result, this person sees your connection as having great potential for happiness and fulfillment if maintaining respect, honesty and care for one another.

Curious about the ‘yes or no’ meaning of the King of Wands? Check out my other article that covers how to interpret this card when it comes to specific questions that require a clear yes or no answer.🔮

King Of Wands And Temperance As Feelings

The King of Wands and Temperance combined indicate this person feels very safe and at home with you. Besides their intense attraction towards you, they feel almost confused in how much this connection means to them. They feel overwhelmed by their emotions in a good way. 

They have found a sense of balance, healing and spiritual understanding within the relationship to guide them forward.

Your calming, patient influence has helped them integrate their passions for even greater self-awareness and direction in life.

King Of Wands And The Devil As Feelings 

The King of Wands and the Devil card combined indicate this person feels an intense level of desire towards you but there’s a large chance they are not interested in anything serious. At this moment they feel like they just want to have fun and not have any further expectations. 

Unless gaining more self-awareness, this person’s passions risk controlling the dynamic in an unhealthy way instead of blossoming into deeper intimacy.

There are negative habits or mindsets currently holding them back from committing fully, and it will take diligent work on their part to overcome these barriers.

Other Questions You May Have

How long will the King of Wands’ energy last in a situation?

As a minor arcana card, the King of Wands typically represents short-term energies and influences that may play out over days, weeks or months rather than long-term implications. Its fiery nature indicates passion that can burn bright for a time but may fade unless nurtured properly.

Does the King of Wands always represent a person? 

While often symbolic of a person with certain traits, the King can also simply point to energies/influences present in a situation. It doesn’t necessarily mean meeting someone new, but rather taking on more fiery, ambitious qualities oneself or dealing with them in others around you. Context is key.

What zodiac signs does the King of Wands align with? 

As a fire sign tarot card, the King of Wands energy is strongly associated with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Individuals with prominent fire placements could relate to this card’s passionate leadership qualities.

Does the King only represent men?

The King of Wands is not limited by gender. It depicts a leader with certain traits, which can equally apply to women. In a reading, think of the card as representing those qualities manifesting, not a literal “King”.

What are the challenges of the King of Wands?

The King of Wands must learn patience, follow-through, collaboration, and emotional regulation to counteract their impulsiveness, lack of consistency, control issues, and short temper. Overconfidence can lead to mistakes if feedback is dismissed, and risk-taking requires caution lest dangers be ignored.

Commitment is difficult if passion wanes, and selfish pursuits threaten relationships if empathy is lacking.

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In Conclusion

The King of Wands tarot card indicates feelings of intense (physical) attraction.

A person who represents the King of Wands feels very energetic around you and will do anything to win you over.

In reversed position, the King of Wands represents someone who feels very egotistical and entitled.

As this person is likely feeling very insecure, they tend to behave in controlling ways which will inevitably push their loved one away. 

When it comes to the King of Wands in combination with the Emperor, this indicates someone is feeling very responsible.

The King of Wands combined with the Queen of Wands represents high (physical) compatibility.

The King of Wands and the Lovers indicate someone feels attracted to you on all levels.

The King of Wands and Temperance represent someone who is feeling overwhelmed and surprised by how much they like you.

Last but not least, the King of Wands combined with the Devil card indicates this person feels very attracted in a physical sense but is likely not looking for anything serious. 

Ready to infuse your readings with even more depth and insight? Dive into the full spectrum of love with our in-depth guide on the best tarot love & relationship questions. 💖

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