The Star And The Lovers Combination: Upright, Reversed & Feelings

The Star and the Lovers tarot cards are a true match made in heaven. When you come accross this captivating card combination during your tarot reading, then you can be sure the Universe is on your side!

In this article we’ll give you some interesting insights on the meaning of the Star & the Lovers combined. Not only will you find out its general interpretation, we’ll also cover the reversed position and what this tarot card combination means with regards to feelings. 

The Star And The Lovers: Upright Meaning

In the upright position, the Star and the Lovers tarot card combination represents a bright future with regards to love and relationships. It indicates that as long as you follow your true desires and intuition, the right choices will be made that will lead you to happiness and passion. 

These two tarot cards combined indicate your soulmate is coming. You will soon meet someone who lights up your life and let’s you be the best person you can be. You will feel your truest self when around them.

When you are already in a relationship, this tarot card combination confirms the fact that you and your partner make a great match. Both you and your partner get tremendous amount of fulfilment from your connection, in the broadest sense of the word. You are there for each other at all times and feel a deep amount of love. 

In-Depth explanation of the Lovers tarot card, video by Contemporary Tarot

The Star And The Lovers: Reversed Meaning

In reversed position, the Star and the Lovers combination represents possible trust issues. It indicates there’s too much focus on the negatives and false suspicions are being made. It is time to open up and communicate about the things that are bothering you in order to get back in alignment. 

In-Depth explanation of the Star tarot card, video by Contemporary Tarot

The Star And The Lovers As Feelings

When it comes to the Star and the Lovers combination with regards to feelings, this indicates someone sees you as their life partner. When they look at you they feel deeply inspired and creative. You make them feel like becoming their best possible self and are grateful to be in your life. 

To Conclude

The Star and the Lovers tarot card combination generally represents positive outcomes with regards to your love life. These two cards combined show you are currently on the right path to attract an abundant amount of true love into your life.

When pulled in reversed position, the Star and the Lovers together represent trust issues and a negative attitude. The air needs to be cleared in order be able to move on towards more optimistic vibes. 

The Star and the Lovers with regards to how someone feels about you is a strong indication someone sees themselves spending their life with you. This person thinks of you as their true love.

If you liked this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!

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