Judgement As Feelings Explained (Upright, Reversed & Combinations)

The Judgement tarot card often pops up during a reading when there is an important decision to be made.

It’s a sign that you are ready to let go of something in the past and move on to something new.

When this card appears it can be taken as a reminder to trust your intuition and listen to your heart.

When it comes to feelings, or how someone may feel about you, the Judgement tarot card can offer some helpful guidance.

That’s why I’ve decided to create this blog post in which you’ll discover the meaning of the Judgement card with regards to feelings in more depth and share some of my own insights about this powerful tarot card. 

Let’s dive right in!

Judgement As Feelings

When the Judgement card appears in the upright position, it tends to indicate that someone feels called to take action in their love life. This could be a sign that it’s time to take things to the next level or it could represent the need to let go of something that isn’t working.

The Judgement card typically shows an angel or some other type of figure holding a trumpet. 

This image represents the need to take action or make a change.

It can also represent a wake up call to pay attention to what is actually happening in your life. 

If you’re wondering how someone feels for you in the romantic sense of the word and the Judgement card appears, it is often a good sign.

This person is likely to be ready to move on from the past and start fresh.

It indicates that they feel a strong need to make a commitment, so if you’re on the same page, this could be a relationship worth pursuing.

If you’re single, the Judgement card in upright position can indicate that you’re ready to move on from the past and open yourself up to the possibility of someone new.

This is a time to let go of any baggage and resentment you may be carrying and open yourself up to the possibilities of love.

If you’re in a relationship, the Judgement card can represent a need to make an important decision

This could just be something simple or a more significant decision such as marriage or buying a house.

No matter what the situation may be, the Judgement card is a reminder to listen to your heart and trust your inner guidance.

Let go of what isn’t working and make room for new things to enter your life.

This is not a time to be afraid of change, but rather to embrace it.

Embrace the new opportunities that are coming your way and trust that you are making the right decisions. 

Judgement can also serve as a reminder to forgive yourself for past mistakes.

We all make mistakes, but it is important to learn from them and move on.

Forgiving yourself will help you to move forward and live your life to the fullest. 

Understanding the meaning of each and every tarot card card be quite a challenge! If you would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more easethis article I wrote will definitely give you some inspiration!

Judgement Reversed As Feelings

When Judgement appears in reversed position, it usually signifies someone feels a fear of change. This person may refuse to face the lessons they need to learn or make the changes they need to make. When it comes to love, the reversed Judgement card can indicate that someone feels scared to commit.

This person may have trust issues or simply be afraid of getting hurt.

The reversed Judgement card can represent a need to take a step back and reassess your situation. 

This is not a time to make any rash decisions, but rather to take some time to think about what you want and what is best for you.

When it comes to romantic feelings or how your crush feels about you, the reversed Judgement card can indicate that they are not ready to take things to the next level.

This person may need some time to themselves or may be dealing with personal issues.

The best thing you can do is give them space and respect their decision.

If they come back, it will be because they are truly ready. 

Judgement Combinations As Feelings

When Judgement appears in a tarot reading, it often comes out with other cards to provide additional insights.

Here are some of the most powerful tarot card combinations together with the Judgement card:

Judgement And King Of Cups As Feelings

The combination of Judgement with the King of Cups indicates that someone feels a need for change in their love life.

This person may be feeling unfulfilled or dissatisfied with their current relationship.

They could be ready to move on the something new, but they are also seeking a more emotionally fulfilling connection. 

This combination can also indicate that someone is ready to forgive and forget past hurts.

the King of Cups tarot card from the Modern Witch tarot deck
The King of Cups tarot card from the beautiful Modern Witch Tarot Deck (check out the current price here!)

This person may be ready to move on from a previous relationship and start fresh.

The Judgement and King of Cups combination can also represent a need for closure.

This person may be ready to put an end to a certain cycle or situation. 

They’re likely ready to move on, but they need to tie up loose ends first.

Judgement And Ace Of Cups As Feelings

When you’re asking how someone feels about you and the combination of Judgement with the Ace of Cups shows up it means they see the potential for a very deep emotional connection.

They could be feeling hopeful and excited about the possibility of what could be between you both.

This is a very positive combination that suggests someone is open to explore a relationship with you.

the Ace of Cups tarot card from the Modern Witch tarot deck

If you’re already in a relationship, this combination can indicate that your partner is ready to take things to the next level.

They may be ready to deepen the connection and level of commitment.

This is a time when your relationship can reach new levels of intimacy and understanding

Judgement And The Lovers As Feelings

The combination of Judgement and the Lovers indicates someone feels like they have arrived at a crossroad in their life.

The Lovers card represents choices and decisions, while Judgement represents the need to make a decision or take action.

If you’re wondering how someone feels about you in the romantic sense, this combination suggests they may be feeling conflicted.

They could be torn between two different paths and struggling to decide which one to take. 

This is not a sign that someone is not interested in you, but rather that they are trying to figure out what they want in life.

Final Thoughts

The Judgement card can represent many different things, but ultimately it is a reminder that we all have the power to change our lives.

If you are facing a difficult situation or feeling confused, this can be a sign that it is time to take stock of your life and make some changes.

The Judgement card also promotes forgiveness.

Forgiving yourself will help you move forward and live a more positive life. 

If you’re interested in learning more about tarot, be sure to check out our tarot section!

Also make sure to check out this blog post I wrote about the best love questions to ask during a tarot reading.

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