The Sun As Feelings Explained (Upright, Reversed & Combinations)

The Sun is one of the most powerful symbols in the tarot, and for a good reason!

This card represents all that is good in the world: happiness, joy, vitality and success.

When the Sun card appears in a tarot reading, it is generally a sign that these positive things are on their way in your life. 

The Sun is a reminder to enjoy the good moments, and to have faith that the future will be just as bright.

If you’re wondering what this card means with regards to feelings, there are some really helpful insights the Sun tarot card can provide.

In this blog post we’ll zoom in closer on the meaning of the Sun card when it comes to feelings and what it means for love, relationships and romance!

Without further ado, let’s get started right away.

The Sun As Feelings

When it comes to feelings, the Sun tarot card in upright position represents all that is good. When it comes to feelings for another person, the Sun indicates that they feel happy in your company. This is definitely a positive sign, especially if the Sun appears in a love reading.

This person likely feels comfortable around you and enjoys to be near you as much as possible.

There is a mutual feeling of respect and admiration.

Things seem to be going well between you two and this card is a reminder to be grateful for these wonderful and blissful times.

The Sun in the upright position can also indicate that someone has developed strong feelings for you and they are starting to fall in love.

This person sees the best in you and are heavily drawn to your positive energy.

If you are single, the Sun is a welcome sign that someone special is on their way towards you.

When it comes to existing relationships, the Sun is a reminder to enjoy the good times.

This card indicates that things are going well and that the love between you and your special someone is strong.

If you have been experiencing some difficulties, the Sun suggests that these are beginning to dissipate.

Things are looking up, so enjoy this positive period in your relationship.

The Sun can also show up as a sign that this is a good time to focus on self-care and do things that make you feel good. 

It serves as a reminder that happiness comes from within, so don’t wait for someone else to make you happy but instead focus on how you can provide for yourself.  

Understanding the meaning of each and every tarot card card be quite a challenge! If you would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more easethis article I wrote will definitely give you some inspiration!

The Sun Reversed As Feelings

When the Sun appears in reversed position, it generally indicates that someone is not feeling as positive as they could be. This may be because their own needs are neglected or because they’re not focussing on what truly makes them happy. The Sun in reverse is a reminder to take care of yourself.

The Sun in reversed position can also indicate that someone is feeling some sort of (creative) blockage.

This could either be because this person is not expressing themselves fully, or are simply afraid to let their true self shine through. 

The Sun in reverse can be taken as a reminder to be more playful and creative in your life. 

When it comes to love and how someone feels about you, the Sun also suggests that the person is not being themselves around you or that they are holding back in some way, shape or form. 

The Sun in reversed position is a reminder to try and be more open and honest in your relationship if you want it to grow deeper. 

The Sun Combinations As Feelings

If the Sun card appears in a reading together with other tarot cards, it can give tremendously deeper insights into what the feeling associated with the Sun card might mean for your specific situation. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most common and meaningful combinations with the Sun tarot card: 

The Sun And The King Of Pentacles As Feelings

The combination of the Sun and the King of Pentacles often indicates that someone feels they are in a good place financially.

They could have recently come into some money, or simply have started making smarter financial decisions.

This combination can also indicate that someone is feeling confident and stable in their career.

The King of Pentacles tarot card from the Light Seers Tarot Deck
The King of Pentacles tarot card from the beautiful Light Seers Tarot Deck (check it out right here!)

When it comes to romantic feelings in specific, the Sun and the King of Pentacles often indicate that someone is feeling very content and satisfied in their relationship.

Someone who represents this combination likely sees you as someone who radiates a strong sense of self-confidence and independence, which are qualities they deeply admire.

They may also view you as someone who is very generous and someone who they can see themselves build a solid future with. 

The Sun And The Ace Of Wands As Feelings

When the Sun and the Ace of Wands appear together during a tarot reading that focuses on someone’s feelings, it indicates that they feel very passionate and excited when it comes to you. 

They feel like they want to explore every aspect of you and are very attracted to your confident and fiery personality.

This person feels like they can be themselves around you and that you bring a lot of positivity and fun into their life. 

There’s a strong creative and magnetic energy that surrounds this tarot card combination. 

The Sun And The Two Of Swords As Feelings

The combination of the Sun with the 2 of Swords indicates that someone feels stuck

They may be having trouble making decisions or find themselves at a certain crossroad. 

When this seems to be the case in your situation, it is important to take all the time you need to think things through before making any major decisions. 

It could have to with uncertainty about the relationship, but no matter what it is, it is important to keep communicating openly with your partner and figure out what it is you both want.

The Sun And The Three Of Cups As Feelings

When the Sun and 3 of Cups are combined, it indicates deep feelings of love

There’s a strong energy of infatuation surrounding this tarot card combination and it indicates there is a lot attraction going on in this connection.

The person you are thinking of likely sees you as someone who brings a lot of happiness into their life.

The 3 of Cups tarot card from the Light Seers Tarot Deck

Final Thoughts

So, by now you know that the Sun is a very positive card that indicates happiness, success and overall contentment.

When it comes to love and romance it generally indicates that someone feels very strongly attracted to you and that they see you as a bringer of happiness and joy in their life. 

If you are feeling blocked on an emotional or creative level, this tarot card serves as a reminder to take care of yourself and be more open and honest in your relationships.

Also always make sure to check out the surrounding cards in a reading to get more insight into what message the Sun is trying to get across to you. 

Other cards can give you a more in-depth understanding into what the feeling associated with the Sun card may mean for you. 

If you would like to learn more about the meaning of other tarot cards, head over to our tarot section!

Also, make sure to check out this article I wrote about the best love and relationship questions to ask during a tarot reading.

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