The Moon As Feelings Explained (Upright, Reversed & Combinations)

The Moon tarot card is known the mainly represent a sense of introspection, reflection and heightened awareness.

It is a powerful card that often shows up during times of significant change and that directs us to go within and trust our intuition.

The Moon can also indicate a need for rest and recuperation, as well as a time of increased psychic sensitivity and dream activity. 

When it comes to feelings, or how someone feels about you, the Moon tarot card can provide some interesting deep insights. 

The Moon can explain how someone truly feels, even if they are not consciously aware of it. 

This can be helpful in understanding why someone may act a certain way or react to something the way they do. 

In this blog post, we are going to take a deep dive into the meaning of the Moon card when it comes to feelings in both the upright and reversed position.

On top of that, you’ll also discover the meaning of some of the most important tarot card combinations with the Moon!

The Moon As Feelings

When the Moon tarot card appears in the upright position during a tarot reading, it generally indicates that someone feels deeply connected with their intuition, feels inspired with creative ideas and dreams about new beginnings. They do however feel some subconscious fears.

The Moon card in the upright position can also indicate that someone is holding back their true feelings, for whatever reason. 

They could be afraid to express themselves or they simply try to hide their true emotions.

This person may not be entirely honest with themselves either.

It is is likely that they are not completely aware of their own feelings, or may even be in denial about how they really feel. 

When this seems to be the case in a specific situation, it is best advised to tread carefully and not push too hard for answers or information.

They may need time to come to terms with their feelings before they are ready to share them.

In terms of intuition and the subconscious mind, the Moon tarot card is a powerful ally. 

The Moon can help you to trust your instinct and follow your intuition. 

It can also help you to access the hidden knowledge and wisdom of the subconscious mind

The Moon is a reminder to pay attention to your dreams and listen to what your inner voice is telling you. 

When you’re feeling lost or confused, the Moon can help you find your way back to your true path. 

It encourages to let go of the past and embrace the new.

Understanding the meaning of each and every tarot card card be quite a challenge! If you would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more easethis article I wrote will definitely give you some inspiration!

The Moon Reversed As Feelings

When the Moon tarot card appears reversed in a reading, it generally indicates that someone feels confused, insecure or lost. They are likely second-guessing themselves and are unsure about their next move. The Moon in reverse represents a need for rest and time to heal. 

When it comes to love, the Moon in reverse can indicate that someone is feeling insecure or jealous

This person could be afraid of being hurt or abandoned and therefore has the tendency to put up their walls.

If you’re single, the Moon reversed can represent someone feels a fear of commitment and intimacy

In order to overcome this, it is important to work on building trust and self-confidence.

In terms of intuition, the Moon in reverse can indicate that someone is repressing their true feelings and trying to ignore their inner guidance.

This person could be feeling out of touch with their emotions and denying what their gut instinct is trying to tell them.

The Moon Combinations As Feelings

Tarot card combinations can provide additional insights into the overall meaning of the main message.

When the Moon tarot card appears alongside other cards, it can enhance and further clarify the original meaning of the card.

Let’s take a look at some of the most meaningful combinations that may appear together with the Moon tarot card

The Moon And The High Priestess As Feelings

When the Moon appears together with the High Priestess, it indicates that someone feels deeply in touch with their subconscious mind and intuition.

They are likely receiving guidance and signs from their dreams. 

They could for example see specific repeating angel numbers everywhere they turn, or could find feathers in unusual places.

This combinations implies a need for self-discovery and personal development.

A person who represents this combination feels deeply attracted to the divine and is very motivated to learn more about the secret knowledge of the Universe.

When it comes to feelings in the romantic sense, this combination can indicate that someone is in touch with their emotions and are likely able to express themselves freely.

They feel attracted to someone who is understanding and compassionate and open to discover the mysterious parts of life. 

The Moon And The Magician As Feelings

The Moon and the Magician tarot card combination indicates that someone feels guided to use their intuition and creativity to manifest their deepest desires.

This combination represents a time of new beginnings and limitless potential.

When it comes to love, this combination strongly indicates that this person feels attracted to someone who is very charming and confident.

They feel a strong connection with this person and are inspired by their creative energy.

The Moon And The Empress As Feelings

When the Moon and the Empress appear together in a reading, it is generally indicative of someone who feels deeply connected to their femininity

This person is in touch with their emotions and they are likely very nurturing and compassionate. 

They feel a strong sense of attraction to someone who is loving and supportive as well. 

The combination of these two cards can also indicate that someone feels a strong connection to their mother or a maternal figure in their life. 

The Moon And The Emperor As Feelings

The combination of the Moon with the Emperor indicates that someone feels stable and grounded.

This could be someone who is in a position of authority or control.

When it comes to their romantic feelings, this person feels a strong sense of attraction to someone who is reliable and trustworthy.

This person wants to experience a sense of stability and security in their relationship.

If this is someone you already know, this combination implies that their feelings for you are very strong and they are likely willing to commit

Final Thoughts

The Moon tarot card is a reminder to pay attention to your intuition and truly listen to your inner voice.

The Moon can be your personal ally in times of change and transition.

If you’re feeling lost or confused, the Moon card may be just what you need to find your way back to shore. 

if you’re trying to find out how someone feels about you and the Moon card shows up, it is a good indication that they are in touch with their emotions and care and feel very deeply. 

If you are interested in learning more about tarot card meanings, make sure to browse through our tarot section!

You can also head right over to this article I wrote about the best love and relationship questions to ask during a tarot reading. 

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