3 Of Wands As Feelings (Upright, Reversed & Combinations)

The 3 of Wands is an interesting tarot card that generally represents a strong sense of courage, determination and strength. 

It is also a card that is strongly associated with passion and creativity.

When it comes to feelings, or how someone feels about you, the 3 of Wands can provide some meaningful insights.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the 3 of Wands as feelings in more detail, in both the upright and reversed position, as well as take a look at some of the most important tarot card combinations.

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3 Of Wands As Feelings

When the 3 of Wands appears in the upright position, it generally signifies that someone is feeling very inspired by you. They may look up to you as a role model or be in awe of your accomplishments. This person likely feels very proud of you and wants to help you achieve even more.

The of Wands is a very promising sign that someone is thinking about you in this way and you can often expect them to be very supportive.

They may also be attracted to your boldness and courage, as this gives off very strong vibes of being independent en knowing how to take care of yourself.

They love seeing the passion that you put into everything that you do and it really inspires and motivates them.

the Three of Wands tarot card from the Light Seers tarot deck
the 3 of Wands from the beautiful Light Seer’s Tarot Deck

These feelings may show up in a romantic context, or they may simply be platonic admiration.

Some signs you may want to look out for that someone is feeling this way about you in a romantic sense include them wanting to spend a lot of time with you, always wanting to hear about your day and generally being very interested in your life.

In any case, it is generally a very good sign when the Three of Wands appears in the upright position.

If you’re already in a relationship with someone, the 3 of Wands upright can indicate that they are feeling very physically attracted to you and are thinking about you a lot in that way.

This can be a very exciting time for your relationship as it may lead to a new level of intimacy.

If you’re single, the 3 of Wands upright may represent someone who is starting to develop strong feelings for you.

They may be unsure of how to express these feelings just yet, but you may start to notice them acting differently around you.

They may become more touchy-feely, want to spend more time with you or find excuses to talk to you.

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The 3 Of Wands Reversed As Feelings

When the 3 of Wands shows itself in reversed position, it can indicate that someone is feeling a bit jealous of you. They may be envious of your success or what you have accomplished. This person may also feel like they are in competition with you, which can lead to some tension.

It is important to be aware of this feeling if it exists, as it can often cause problems down the road.

It is best to try and resolve any issues early on, before they have a chance to grow and create friction.

When it comes to feelings with regards to love, the 3 of Wands in reverse can also symbolize that someone is afraid of commitment.

They may want to be with you but are holding back for some reason.

This can often lead to a lot of frustrating back-and-forth as they try to make up their mind.

The 3 Of Wands As feelings In Combination With Other Cards

Whenever the 3 of Wands happens to appear in combination with other tarot cards, it can give even deeper insights into how someone is feeling.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common and meaningful tarot card combinations with the 3 of Wands!

3 Of Wands & The Lovers

The combination of the 3 of Wands and the Lovers indicates that someone is feeling very torn with regards to you.

They may be attracted to you but also have some reservations.

This can often lead to a lot of conflict and inner turmoil. Just give it a bit of time and go with the flow to see where things are heading.

Do not push things but allow whatever is meant to be in a natural manner.

3 Of Wands & The Moon

The Moon and 3 of Wands together suggests that someone is feeling very emotionally vulnerable around you.

They may be afraid of being hurt or may be feeling a bit insecure.

This person may also be having difficulty trusting you. Even though this may very well have nothing to do with you, but can be due to past experiences.

Patience is key here.

3 Of Wands & The Sun

This combination with the Sun represents someone who is feeling intensely inspired by you and your positive energy.

They may look up to you as a role model or be blown away by your accomplishments.

They feel a sense of renewed energy and motivated to start working towards living their best life as well.

3 Of Wands & The Tower

This combination can indicate that someone is feeling overwhelmed by you or your success.

As the Tower is known to represent a sense of chaos, they may feel like they are in over their head and are not sure how to cope.

This can often lead to them feeling the need to pull away.

However, as long as give them time to process things and don’t try to intervene, there’s a great chance things will fall into place naturally again.

3 Of Wands & The Devil

The 3 of Wands and the Devil together suggests that someone is feeling very attracted to you but may be hesitant to act on it.

They may be afraid of getting involved with you because they know it could send them down a path where they don’t feel in control anymore.

This person may also feel like they are being pulled in without being able to do anything about it, which may cause them to run for the hills at this moment.

3 Of Wands & The World

The combination of the Three of Wands together with the World card suggests that someone is feeling optimistic about you and your future together.

They may see you as their perfect partner and be willing to do whatever it takes to make things work.

This person is likely very committed to you and your relationship.

the World from the captivating Light Seer’s Tarot Deck

3 Of Wands & Judgment

This combination of the 3 of Wands & Judgement often indicates that someone is feeling very sure of their feelings for you.

They may have recently come to a realization about their love for you and are now ready to take things to the next level.

This person is likely very eager to see where your relationship is headed.

3 Of Wands & The Magician

This Magician together with the 3 of Wands suggests that someone is feeling confident about their feelings.

As the Magician is a very powerful card, this indicates that this person is sure of their love for you and is excited to see where things go.

This is a very positive combination that suggests a strong and transforming relationship. It represents the possibility to manifest your deepest desires.

3 Of Wands & The Empress

This combination suggests that someone is feeling deeply nurturing towards you.

They may mother you or try to take care of you in a very loving way.

A person who represents the 3 of Wands combined with the Empress is likely very compassionate towards you and wants to protect you.

There is a strong sense of deep and true love involved here.

the Empress from the Light Seer’s Tarot Deck

Final Thoughts

The 3 of Wands is generally a very positive card when it comes to feelings. It often suggests that someone is feeling very supportive and admiring towards you.

However, when pulled in reverse, it is important to be aware that the card can also indicate some jealousy or insecurity.

If you are in a relationship, the 3 of Wands is a great sign that things are going well and represents a strong sense of attraction.

If you are single, it suggests that there’s a great chance you will soon meet someone who will be very impressed by who you are as a person.

Just remember that at the end of the day, it is important to be true to yourself and follow your heart.

All situations are different so take what resonates and leave the rest!

If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!  

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