4 Of Cups As Feelings: Upright, Reversed & Combinations

The 4 of Cups is a tarot card that is often generally associated with feelings of nostalgia and detachment.

It is an interesting tarot card that can give some helpful insights with regards to how someone may be feeling about a specific situation.

Even though it is important to always remember that tarot cards are meant to be a tool for self-reflection and cannot tell the entire story, they can still be a valuable resource when it comes to understanding someone’s feelings.

Always make sure to use your own intuition and inner guidance to help you get the most out of your tarot readings.

With that being said, in this article you will discover the upright, reversed and combination meanings of the 4 of Cups tarot card with regards to feelings!

4 Of Cups As Feelings

In the upright position, the 4 of Cups tarot card can often indicate that someone is feeling overwhelmed or uninterested in what is happening around them. They may be feeling pulled to withdraw from a specific situation or feeling nostalgic for a time gone by.

The 4 of Cups often shows up when someone is feeling overwhelmed or when they are unsure of what to do next.

It can be a sign that someone needs some time alone to process their feelings before moving forward. They may withdraw from social situations to truly come into deeper contact with their own feelings and intuition.

With regards to love and relationships, the upright position of the card can indicate that someone is feeling a sense of distance from their partner.

This can either be due to a disagreement that may have happened earlier or simply a feeling of not being connected on the same level.

This may result in withdrawing emotionally from the relationship or longing for a time when things were simpler.

The 4 of Cups tarot card from the mesmerizing and popular Light Seer’s Tarot Deck, check it out right here!

At the same time though, the 4 of Cups also implies a sense of motivation and potential for growth.

If someone is feeling overwhelmed within in their current situation, the upright position of this card suggests that things may not be as bad as they seem and that there is potential for things to improve in the future.

A difficult situation often leads to a spark of creativity to turn nothing into something!

If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

4 Of Cups Reversed As Feelings

In the reversed position, the 4 of Cups tarot card could suggest that someone is feeling ignored or left out. They may feel like they are not being given what they deserve and may be acting out as a result. In the reversed position, it can indicate also indicate bitterness and resentment.

They may feel like they are not being appreciated or valued and may show it in ways such as passive communication and avoidance.

With regards to love and relationships, the reversed position of the card can indicate that someone is feeling overwhelmed by the current state of events and feels the need to connect on a deeper level, even though they may not always show it on the outside.

Interested in a free love themed tarot readingThis three-card love reading reveals your romantic pastpresent, and future! Simply click here to start shuffling your personalized tarot cards and receive a quick and insightful tarot love reading right away!

4 Of Cups And 7 Of Cups As Feelings

When the 4 of Cups and 7 of Cups show up alongside each other during your tarot reading, it can indicate that someone is feeling conflicted about their feelings. They may be indecisive and uncertain about how they feel and are quite hesitant to move forwards.

The upright position of these cards together suggests that this person is still in touch with what’s going on around them, even if they’re not feeling overly enthusiastic about it.

The reversed position of this tarot card combination could suggest that this person has completely checked out of the situation. If can indicate that they are longing for a change in a different direction.

4 Of Cups And Justice As Feelings

When the 4 Of Cups and Justice tarot card are combined, this often indicates feelings of injustice. This person may feel like they are not being treated fairly and are thinking about a way to speak up about it in order to get what they feel they deserve.

The upright position of this card combination shows that this person strongly feels a sense of right and wrong and may be trying to find a way to balance things out and find a fair resolution.

However, the reversed position of the Four of Cups and Justice combination could suggest that someone is feeling bitter and may be looking for a way to take things into their own hands.

These cards together in reverse could also suggest that this person is having a hard time to still believe in a sense of justice in the world due to being wronged in the past.

4 of cups as feelings

4 Of Cups And Strength As Feelings

When the 4 of Cups and the Strength tarot card appear together during a tarot reading, this combination can indicate that someone is feeling weak and vulnerable. They may be struggling to keep their emotions in check and could use some extra strength.

The upright position of the card suggests that this person is still fighting to make things work.

Whether the situation relates to their love life or career, they feel a strong sense of motivation and perseverance to make things a success.

The reversed position of the 4 of Cups and Strength could suggest that someone is no longer trying to fight for a situation and has given up, or is very close to doing so.

They feel like fighting would just be a waste of energy which they can use for better things.

4 Of Cups And 4 Of Wands As Feelings

The 4 of Cups and 4 of Wands tarot cards together usually suggest feelings of celebration and happiness. This person is very likely to feel content and satisfied with what they have accomplished along the way. They feel proud when looking back on their journey that led to success.

The upright position of the card suggests that this person is fully in touch with their reality and is enjoying their current situation.

They feel a deep sense of gratitude and are eager to celebrate their successes with those around them.

4 of cups and 4 of wands tarot card combination

The reversed position of the Four of Cups and Four of Wands could suggest that someone is feeling too content and may be overlooking important details.

It can also indicate that this person is not enjoying the moment as much as they could be.

When pulled in reverse, this could imply that someone is always striving for the next best thing and is never happy with what they have.

They may be missing out on important aspects of life as a result.

It indicates someone is taking things for granted or isn’t really enjoying themselves.

If you are interested in checking some of my personal favorite tarot decks, you can find them by clicking here

In Conclusion

To, to sum things up, the 4 of Cups with regards to feelings often indicates feelings of detachment and nostalgia.

The upright position suggests that the person still feels invested in a situation, while the reversed position suggests that they have checked out.

When paired with Justice, the combination of the two cards can suggest feelings of conflict, indecision and injustice.

When paired with Strength, it can suggest that the person is feeling weak and vulnerable. And when paired with the Four of Wands, it usually suggests feelings of happiness and celebration.

When the 4 of Cups happens to appear in a tarot reading alongside any other cards than the ones mentioned in this article, it can be very helpful to look at the deeper meaning of each card to get a more complete picture of how someone feels.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!  

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