Four Of Cups: Yes Or No? (Upright, Reversed and Love)

The Four of Cups is a tarot card that mainly signifies a sense of boredom and discontentment. 

When the Four of Cups enters your ‘yes or no’ tarot reading, there’s an interesting interpretation to be given.

In this article we’ll cover the clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ meaning of the 4 of Cups in both the upright and reversed position as well as its meaning when it comes to love.   

So now, without further ado, let’s gain some meaningful insights!

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Upright Four Of Cups: Yes Or No?

The Four of Cups can generally be interpreted as a ‘yes’ answer to your question. Even though the Four of Cups mostly represents a sense of boredom, disconnect and disillusion, it can also be taken as a form of encouragement to make a powerful change and reset your current circumstances. 

As the Four of Cups is not exactly a tarot card with the most uplifting meaning, it can easily be mistaken for being expected to provide a negative answer to a question.

However, as there are always two sides to every coin, this tarot card actually provides a very powerful message of taking control and creating your own ultimate reality.

The 4 of Cups in upright position often shows itself during a tarot reading as a form of encouragement to take a look at your current situation and admit to yourself what parts of your life could use some serious transformation.

If you’ve been considering taking a new route, but doubting whether you should proceed with it, the Four of Cups can be taken as a clear sign that now is the time to follow your intuition and have a change of scenery if that is what feels right to you. 

4 of cups tarot card from the Light Seers tarot deck
The 4 of Cups tarot card from the captivating Light Seer’s Tarot Deck (check current price on Amazon here)

The Four of Cups is a tarot card that can also be associated with feeling restricted by your environment which can cause a blockage with regards to being able to see your own potential and interesting opportunities.

Try to surround yourself with like-minded people and immerse yourself in activities where you’ll be able to gain some meaningful insights that will allow you to move forward optimistically on your personal journey. 

If you remain stuck in negative feelings and don’t not take action towards personal growth and change, you may miss out on valuable opportunities and experiences.

The Four of Cups can be seen as a reminder to take a step back and focus on practicing self-care.

This cups card advises to prioritize your own well-being and seek help if needed to overcome any obstacles in the way of personal growth and happiness.

​In the spiritual sense, the Four of Cups represents a need for inner reflection and exploration of your inner world.

Now is a great moment to take time for meditation, self-reflection, and spiritual practices to find inner peace and a greater sense of purpose.

​Welcome the Four of Cups with an open mind and a willingness to take action towards personal growth and change.

Trust your intuition, seek new experiences, and prioritize your own needs to create your ultimate reality.

While you can find a lot of information about tarot card meanings online, there’s absolutely no substitute for the insights and guidance that a personal tarot reading can provide you with.

There is something extremely magical and transforming about getting a personal tarot reading. Everything can change for you with the clarity and wisdom provided by an experienced and intuitive tarot reader.

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Reversed Four Of Cups: Yes Or No? 

The Four of Cups in reversed position means ‘no’. For now at least. It can be taken as a sign to take a step back and focus on self-care before making any impactful decisions. Now is a great time to gain clarity by making a constructive planning that will help guide you towards your goals. 

The Four of Cups in reverse signifies you’ve likely recently implemented an impactful change which has helped you to get out of the rut you may have found yourself in.

Your past experiences have made you into the person you are today and the valuable knowledge and insights you’ve gained along the way will certainly help you move towards the right direction.

However, even though you probably can’t wait to make other impactful decisions that will move you closer towards your ultimate goals, it is important to make sure you energetically feel ready to do so.

Make sure to rest before taking any big next step(s) and prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

It is great to look forward with positive anticipation and motivation, but it is also highly recommended to focus on taking things step by step in order to avoid getting overwhelmed. 

The Four of Cups reversed can also indicate a need for a new approach or a change in perspective. 

It encourages you to look at your situation from a different angle and consider all options before making a decision.​

In a love tarot reading, the Four of Cups reversed indicates a need for communication and compromise in a current relationship.

Focus on resolving conflicts and strengthening your connection with your partner before making any major decisions.

In a career reading, the Four of Cups reversed often represents a need for a new job or career path.

Consider your unique skills and interests and explore new opportunities to find the right fit.

One important thing to remember, when asking your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ type of questions, is to keep a few key aspects in mind when it comes to formulating the question you want to ask. Besides always making sure your questions are phrased from a place of positive energy, there are some other aspects you really want to check out before asking a question. Keeping these specific aspects in mind will surely help you to get the most accurate answers from your cards! You can check out this article on how to ask your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ questions for more information.

Four Of Cups And Love: Yes Or No? 

When it comes to love, the Four of Cups tarot card means neither a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but can best be interpreted as a ‘maybe’. It signifies a sense of boredom in your relationship or love life in general. It is up to you to make a change if you want to, the power is in your hands. 

When the Four of Cups enters your love related tarot reading it can be taken as a sign that it is time to spice things up a bit.

You may have been feeling stagnant in your love life lately, whether you’re currently single or find yourself in a relationship. 

If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

In order to make a positive change, try to focus more on the things that spark your passion. Find out what makes you excited.

This can either be things such as art or travelling. Anything that gets you out of your current state of boredom and into a natural state of flow.

As soon as you start to feel more excited about others things in your life, your love life will inevitably follow as well. 

In the love reading, the Four of Cups tarot card suggests that you may be feeling indifferent towards your current relationship or feel lack of motivation to start a new one. 

four of cups tarot card from the Modern Witch tarot deck
The Four of Cups tarot card from the Modern Witch Tarot Deck (check current price on Amazon here)

Additionally, the Four of Cups tarot card in a love reading can indicate a need for introspection and self-reflection. 

It encourages to focus on your own emotional needs and desires before pursuing a new relationship or making any impactful decisions.

It is important to communicate openly with your partner and address any issues in the relationship before making any changes. 

The Four of Cups can also indicate a need for patience and trust in the Universe. Trust the timing of your love life and focus on personal growth and self-care in the meantime.


For singles, the Four of Cups suggests that you feel indifferent towards starting a new relationship or lack motivation to put yourself out there.

This card encourages you to have an open mind and look for new people and a new approach to find the right person who aligns with your true desires and aspirations.

If you’re feeling stagnant in your love life, it may be helpful to take a break from dating and focus on yourself for a while.

Use this time to explore your passions, hobbies, and interests. By doing so, you’ll not only become more fulfilled in your personal life, but you’ll also attract like-minded individuals who share your interests.

Finding the right person takes time, so be patient and trust the Universe to guide you towards the right path.

Established Relationships

If you’re in an established relationship, the Four of Cups advises you to communicate openly with your partner and address any issues in the relationship before making any changes.

It suggests that you should focus on personal growth and self-care to create a stronger foundation for the relationship.

The Four of Cups also encourages you to try new things together and spice up the relationship to reignite the spark and passion.

If you’re feeling bored or stagnant in your relationship, it may be helpful to try new things together.

This can be as simple as trying a new restaurant or hobby, or as adventurous as taking a trip together.

By doing so, you’ll create new memories and experiences that can reignite the spark and passion in your relationship.

Make sure to keep the communication lines with your partner open and talk about any issues you may be experiencing.

This way, you can work together to create a stronger foundation for your relationship and overcome any obstacles that may be hindering your connection.

Old Flames & Exes

If you’re dealing with an old flame or an ex, the Four of Cups advises you to focus on your own emotional well-being and take time for self-care before considering rekindling a past relationship.

It can be taken as a sign to trust your intuition and make decisions based on your true desires and what you know is ultimately best for you.

If you’re considering rekindling a past relationship, it’s important to take time for self-reflection and consider why the relationship ended in the first place.

If the issues that caused the breakup have not been resolved, it may not be wise to pursue a reconciliation.

However, if you’ve both grown and changed since the breakup and are willing to work on the issues that caused the breakup, it may be worth exploring the possibility of a second chance.

All in all, the Four of Cups tarot card comes with a clear message of taking control of your love life and creating a reality that aligns with personal dreams and desires.

It encourages to step out of your comfort zone, try out new things and trust your inner guidance to find the right path towards love and fulfillment.

The 4 of Cups tarot card meaning explained at 49:38, video by ‘Moonlight Guidance’

Other Questions You May Have

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of The Four Of Cups Tarot Card?

In a spiritual context, the Four of Cups tarot card signifies the need for gaining a new perspectives and experiences.

It encourages to look beyond your current situation and explore new paths to find greater sense of purpose and inner peace.

The Four of Cups can also represent a spiritual awakening or a need for spiritual growth.

It advises you to focus on your inner world and connect with your higher self to gain valuable insights and guidance.

The Four of Cups can also be interpreted as a need for meditation, self-reflection, and mindfulness practices.

Take time for yourself and focus on finding inner peace and cultivating a deeper connection with the Universe.

The Four of Cups can also represent a need for gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. 

It encourages you to focus on the blessings in your life and find joy in the simple things.

What Is The Meaning Of The Four Of Cups With Regards To Finances?

When it comes to money and finances, the Four of Cups tarot card suggests that you may be feeling negative about your current financial situation. 

The Four of Cups often represents a need for financial planning and budgeting. It is best to avoid impulsive decisions and focus on building long-term financial stability.

In a financial tarot reading, the Four of Cups can also represent a need for gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in your financial life.

The Four of Cups can also suggest a need for a new career path or job opportunity.

Think about your unique skills and interests and explore new opportunities to find the right fit and improve your financial situation.

What Is The Advice Given By The Four Of Cups Tarot Card?

The advice given by the Four of Cups tarot card is to have an open mind and be ready to explore new possibilities.

When this card appears during a reading, it encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and look for new opportunities to find the right path and achieve your goals.

The Four of Cups also advises you to focus on your emotional well-being and take time for self-care.

Additionally, the Four of Cups advises you to trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice. It indicates that you should pay attention to your instincts and make decisions based on what you intuitively feel is the right path to take.

By taking this advice and applying it to your life, you can create a reality that aligns with your true desires and aspirations, and find the path towards fulfillment and happiness.

What Is The Meaning Of The Four Of Cups In A Past, Present, Future Spread?

The significance of the Four of Cups tarot card in the present, past, and future positions can provide some really valuable insights into your unique journey.

In the past position, the Four of Cups can indicate a missed opportunity or a lack of motivation.

This position encourages you to learn from past experiences and use them as valuable lessons to move forward towards personal growth and success.

In the present position, the Four of Cups suggests that you’re feeling indifferent towards your current situation and focuses on the need to explore new chances and opportunities.

It advises you to be open to new possibilities and look for opportunities to create positive change in your life.

In the future position, the Four of Cups often indicates new beginnings and a new approach to achieving your goals.

Be open to new opportunities and take action towards personal growth and success.

By understanding the deeper meaning of the Four of Cups in each position, you can gain clarity and insight into your present situation and take the necessary steps that will bring you a sense of peace and joy.

In Conclusion

The Four of Cups in upright position means ‘yes’.

Even though it’s a tarot card that mostly represents boredom and disconnect, it can also be taken as the perfect opportunity to make a positive and exciting change.

Follow your heart and intuition!

The Four of Cups in reversed position means ‘no’.

It can best be taken as a sign of encouragement to take some rest and focus on self-care for now.

Once you feel your sense of clarity and inspiration are on point, then it is time to take the next step and move forward.

When it comes to love, the Four of Cups means ‘maybe’ as an answer to your question.

It represents feeling bored with your love life in general, but that certainly doesn’t mean it has to stay this way.

The 4 of Cups encourages you to take charge and move towards whatever makes you feel excited and happy.

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