Queen Of Cups As Outcome: Love, Job, Financial, Reversed

The Queen of Cups embodies a truly feminine and deeply emotional being. When you’re performing a tarot reading and the Queen of Cups presents itself as the outcome card, there’s quite an interesting explanation to it. 

In this article we’ll take a closer look at the general meaning of this tarot card in the outcome position, as well as its meaning when it comes to love, career, finances and last but not least: in reversed position. 

Queen Of Cups As Outcome

The Queen Of Cups can generally be interpreted as a tarot card that predicts a positive outcome. It’s a truly loving and deeply empathic tarot card that represents the ability to make the best out of every situation in a constructive and creative manner. 

The Queen of Cups as the outcome card indicates you will be spending a lot of your time focussing on creating self-care moments in your life. You will be developing yourself on different levels in order to become the best person you can be. You are very aware that your emotional state of mind is very important and you will make no concessions when it comes to taking care of it. 

With the Queen of Cups as the outcome card you will be able to have a loving and accepting attitude towards the people around you and have the ability to look at situations from various perspectives which will help create a sense of trust in others.

queen of cups as outcome
the Queen of Cups card from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

You will be spending a significant amount of time in nature in order to wind down and relax your senses. You’ll especially be drawn to the ocean as this is where you are in your true element. 

Besides spending time in nature, you will also be focusing on your creative abilities a lot more. You will be feeling inspired by the intense love that flows through your veins which will inevitably present itself by creating artwork, music or other creative pursuits. 

the Queen of Cups tarot card explained by Contemporary Tarot

Queen Of Cups As Outcome Love

The Queen of Cups as outcome card in a love related reading indicates a stable and fulfilling relationship is waiting just around the corner for you. Whether you’re single or already have a partner, the Queen of Cups represents a deep kind of love emerging in your life soon.

Queen Of Cups As Outcome Job & Career

The Queen of Cups as outcome card in a job & career related reading indicates you will be steering towards a more meaningful position. You will be focusing on finding a job that represents a cause you deeply care about. It could also mean you will eventually start up your own business. 

Queen Of Cups As Financial Outcome 

The Queen of Cups as outcome card with regards to finances doesn’t immediately indicate financial abundance. However, it does signify you will become (or remain) financially stable. You will learn how to handle your money well and think twice before making any unnecessary expenses. 

Queen Of Cups Reversed As Outcome 

The Queen of Cups in reversed position as outcome card indicates you’ll experience some emotional difficulties. This outcome card urges you to take a close look at the people surrounding you as it is most likely your negative state of mind is being created by outside forces. 

In Conclusion

The Queen of Cups generally indicates a positive outcome. This card represents deeply emphatical and loving abilities that will guide you to make the best out of every challenge that comes your way. 

In every different aspect in your life such as love, finances and your career, it indicates a sense of stability and a focus on your emotional wellbeing. 

When the outcome card is pulled in reversed position, the Queen of Cups predicts you will experience some emotional hardships when it comes to people letting you down. You will need to make some tough yet necessary decisions with regards to who can stay in your life and who needs to go in order to remain your peace of mind. 

If you liked this article about the Queen of Cups and would like to find out more information on this card, I’ve written this other article that covers how to interpret the Queen of Cups when it comes to specific questions that require a clear yes or no answer!

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