Queen Of Wands As Outcome Meaning: Love, Job, Reverse & More

The Queen of Wands is known as a very confident, social and determined individual. When this tarot card shows itself to you as the outcome card during a tarot reading, it can provide you with quite interesting messages and information. 

Besides the general meaning of the Queen of Wands as an outcome card, in this article you will also find out its meaning with regards to love, career and reversed. Let’s dive straight in!

Queen Of Wands As Outcome

The Queen of Wands as an outcome card indicates you are becoming the person you have always envisioned yourself to be. You will be working on your self-development which will transform you into a leader in some shape or form. You feel energetic and full of enthusiasm while pursuing your goals. 

The Queen of Wands is a true knowledge addict and always finds herself discovering interesting facts and ideas. They never stop developing themselves and have a clear vision of where they want to eventually be in life.

When the Queen of Wands comes up as the outcome card during a tarot reading, this is a strong indication of someone wanting to become an entrepreneur. This person does not enjoy working for others and wants to be in charge at all times.

queen of wands as outcome
the Queen of Wands card from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

The Queen of Wands has a clear vision of how they can help to make the world a better place. They are taking notes everywhere they go and are full of ideas when it comes to their passion to be of significance to others. 

The Queen of Wands as a person can be a great coach to others as she is very supportive, but at the same time will be extremely honest when she needs to. She won’t confirm herself to the norms of society. 

the Queen of Wands tarot card explained by Contemporary Tarot

Queen Of Wands As Outcome Love

The Queen of Wands as outcome in a love reading indicates you will attract a relationship where your need for individuality will be celebrated. You will meet someone who is confident enough to let you do your own thing and not get jealous over the little stuff. It will be a breath of fresh air. 

Queen Of Wands As Outcome Job & Career

The Queen of Wands as outcome with regards to a job & career tarot reading represents a sense of leadership. It is very likely your dream to become an entrepreneur will soon be transformed into reality. You are drawn towards creating your own path in life and have the right skills to achieve this.

Queen Of Wands As Financial Outcome 

The Queen of Wands as a financial outcome indicates you will be making some important decisions money-wise. Where you normally would easily spend your money on things you don’t really need, this outcome predicts you will be much more mindful when it comes to your financial situation.

Queen Of Wands Reversed As Outcome 

When pulled in a reversed position, the Queen of Wands card as an outcome indicates you are going to take better care of yourself from now on. You may have exhausted yourself doing things for others for too long and now realize you’ve overstepped your personal boundaries. 

In Conclusion

The Queen of Wands as an outcome card generally indicates you are on the right path to develop yourself into the person you have always envisioned yourself to be. You are very likely to have the ambition to become your own boss.

When it comes to the Queen of Wands as an outcome card in other specific areas in your life such as love, career and finances, it all comes down to creating and maintaining your sense of individuality and independence. 

In reversed position, the Queen of Wands as an outcome card represents the need to take better care of yourself and put your own wants and needs first. 

If you liked this article about the Queen of Wands and would like to find out more information on this card, I’ve written this other article that covers how to interpret the Queen of Wands when it comes to specific questions that require a clear yes or no answer!

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