Is The Four Of Wands Yes Or No?

The Four of Wands is part of the overarching Suit of Wands. To pull the Four of Wands during a ‘yes or no’ tarot reading can be difficult to interpret when it comes to discovering its specific meaning. In this article you’ll find out whether the Four of Wands means ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Besides its general meaning, we’ll also take a look at the meaning of the Four of Wands when pulled in reversed position and during a love themed tarot reading. Now, without further ado, let’s dive straight in!

Is The Four Of Wands Yes Or No?

The Four Of Wands is a ‘yes’ card. This tarot card generally represents harmony, new beginnings and accomplishment. Whether your question is about your relationships, career or another important life element, the Four of Wands is a truly positive and promising card.

When pulled in the upright position, the Four of Wands indicates you will soon start to see some important puzzle pieces come together. You may have been feeling doubtful with regards to certain plans and how they would eventually turn out, but this card shows you’re on the right track and you’ll soon accomplish the goals you’ve been working so hard towards. 

A time of joy and celebration is on its way to you. Make sure to celebrate all successes, no matter how big or small, as they are all stepping stones towards your deepest dreams and desires. 

If you’ve been considering starting something new, such as setting up a creative project, now is the right time to get going and dive right in. The Four of Wands shows it is the perfect time for you to start new and exciting activities. 

Is the Four of Wands yes or no?
the Four of Wands card from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

The new beginning could also present itself in the form of a new home. You may have just moved into a new place or are orientating on the housing market. If you’ve asked a question regarding this new place, the answer is a definitive yes. The Four of Wands predicts feelings of happiness, harmony and joy when it comes to your (new) home. 

The Four of Wands doesn’t immediately indicate anything with regards to money and finances, but if your question revolves around this subject, there’s a great chance that a specific purchase you’ve been considering will turn out to be very useful to you. Often, this purchase will have something to do with your own personal development such as a course that teaches a specific skill. This sort of purchase can eventually lead to a sense of harmony and a chance for a new beginning. 

With regards to your career, the Four of Wands isn’t the most obvious tarot card to indicate changes, but it can still be a positive sign to pull this card during your reading. It implies you currently feel a sense of fulfilment in your career. If this isn’t the case for you, you will eventually start to experience these types of feelings, likely in a new position.

In general, the Four of Wands indicates pleasure, joy and success. It’s a sign of positive changes which can occur in all areas of your life. Noticing the surrounding tarot cards you pull during your reading can give you a better sense of understanding in which area of your life you can expect these positive changes. 

One important thing to remember, when asking your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ type of questions, is to keep a few key aspects in mind when it comes to formulating the question you want to ask. Besides always making sure your questions are phrased from a place of positive energy, there are some other aspects you really want to check out before asking a question. Keeping these specific aspects in mind will surely help you to get the most accurate answers from your cards! You can check out this article on how to ask your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ questions for more information.

This helpful video by Moonlight Guidance learns you all meanings of the 78 tarot cards in less than 2 hours (The Four of Wands card is being explained at 1:04:07)

Four Of Wands Reversed: Yes Or No?

When the Four of Wands shows up during a tarot reading in the reversed position, this can be interpreted as a ‘no’ answer to the question. This card urges you to take an honest look at the way you are currently living your life and to make changes in the areas that don’t truly represent you.

You may have been feeling kind of ‘off’ lately. This often indicates we are not completely aligned with our true purpose. When we allow other peoples’ opinions and society in general to dictate our lives, it is easy to become hesitant towards walking to our own beat. Start trusting your intuition and do what feels good to you. No one else has the ability or right to judge what is best for you. 

It may be necessary to eliminate certain things or even people from your life in order to feel balanced again. Try to focus on spending more quality time with yourself and ask yourself what would make you feel happy and aligned. Once you get a feeling of the thing that sparks your light, focus on working towards that goal and don’t allow yourself to get distracted by people or things that don’t truly matter. 

Try to stop relying too much on others. Once you learn to trust and listen to your own voice, this will give you an enormous boost of strength and confidence that allows you to follow your own light. Try out new things and start meeting new interesting people. 

Four Of Wands Love Meaning: Yes Or No?

When it comes to love and relationships, the Four of Wands generally means ‘yes’. To pull this card as an answer to your question indicates a positive turn of events. The Four of Wands in love represents a sense of commitment and the willingness to build up your life together. 

The Four of Wands is a great tarot card with regards to love in general. It indicates you will soon meet, or may have already met, someone who is serious about starting a fulfilling relationship together. This person is truly mesmerized by you and is amazed by how well you two connect to each other.

You and your person are both pleasantly surprised to have found someone who matches their life and interests perfectly. It can almost feel too good to be true at times.

four of wands love meaning yes or no?

When you’re in a relationship, the Four of Wands indicates that there’s a certain type of commitment on the way. Whether you’re considering moving in together, marriage, or another big change, there’s a great chance you will be taking the next step in your relationship in the near future. 

Four Of Wands Yes Or No: Love Question Examples

“Will I be able to conquer the heart of my crush/love interest?” 

Four of Wands Interpretation: It is very likely that you’ll win over the heart of your crush. The Four of Wands indicates this person finds you truly desirable and is dreaming about a future with you. This person feels very connected with you on a deeper level.

“Will my partner and I remain happy with each other?”

Four of Wands Interpretation: Yes, the Four of Wands indicates you and your partner will stay happily together, at least for the foreseeable future.

In Conclusion

The Four of Wands is a ‘yes’ card. It is a positive tarot card that generally represents new beginnings, harmony and accomplishments

When pulled in a reversed position, the Four of Wands can best be interpreted as a ‘no’ answer to your question. The Four of Wands in reverse urges you to assess your current life and eliminate the things that don’t serve you anymore. This will give you a greater sense of peace and fulfilment in the long run. 

To pull the Four of Wands during a love themed tarot reading generally means ‘yes’. It indicates commitment and the willingness to build a great life together. It can also imply someone new entering your life in the near future who you will connect with on a level you never experienced before. 

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