10 Of Pentacles As Feelings: Upright & Reversed Explained

The 10 of Pentacles is a tarot card that mainly represents a general sense of fulfilment and (financial) security.

When it comes to feelings, or how someone feels about you, the 10 of Pentacles can provide some interesting insights depending on your situation.

As I personally love to interpret tarot cards on an in-depth level from different angles, I decided to write this article and explore the upright and reversed meaning of this card with regards to feelings.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in and discover some valuable knowledge!

10 Of Pentacles As Feelings

When the Ten of Pentacles appears in upright position, it generally indicates that the person is feeling content, financially secure and happy with their current situation. They may be surrounded by family and friends and generally enjoying life to the fullest.

The 10 of Pentacles is a tarot card that often appears in love themed readings when someone is thinking about settling down and committing to their relationship.

They likely feel secure and stable in their current relationship and are looking to build a life with their partner.

The upright meaning of the Ten of Pentacles can also indicate that the person is feeling loved and appreciated by those around them.

They often feel like they have found their ‘tribe’ or community and feel a great sense of gratitude for being part of a meaningful group.

The 10 of Pentacles tarot card from the mesmerizing and popular Light Seer’s Tarot Deck
The 10 of Pentacles tarot card from the mesmerizing and popular Light Seer’s Tarot Deck, check it out right here!

When you’re in a relationship, the 10 of Pentacles upright usually means that things are going well and both partners are generally feeling happy with where they are.

It could also indicate someone feels excited about moving towards a more deeper commitment.

This doesn’t always have to mean marriage but rather could be committing to living together, having kids, or any other life-changing event.

The main message from the Ten of Pentacles in regards to feelings is that everything is good and things are moving in a positive direction.

If you’re single, the 10 of Pentacles often represents feelings of truly being comfortable with yourself and being in a good place emotionally.

You may be enjoying your independence for the time being, or you could feel like you’re ready to settle down soon.

It indicates you’re feeling in touch with your intuition, know what you want in life and are not afraid to take the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

If you’re secretly admiring someone from afar the Ten of Pentacles in upright position could suggest that they are feeling interested in commitment as well and may be feeling similar vibes from you.

When it comes to work and career, the Ten of Pentacles upright generally suggests you feel that things are stable and you likely currently find yourself in a comfortable position.

This is a great time to focus on your financial security in order to maintain future stability as well.

If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

10 Of Pentacles Reversed As Feelings

Reversed, the 10 of Pentacles can indicate feelings of greed or envy. The person may feel like they are never satisfied, no matter how much money or possessions they acquire. It also suggests that the person is feeling insecure and may be fearing losing what they have.

In reversed position, the Ten of Pentacles can suggest that someone is feeling insecure about their current situation.

They may feel like they are not good enough or that they are lacking in some way.

This can be especially true in love themed readings, where the reversed Ten of Pentacles can suggest a feeling of jealousy or envy on the part of one partner.

They may feel like their partner is never satisfied with them and is always looking for something new.

Interested in a free love themed tarot reading? This three-card love reading reveals your romantic pastpresent, and future! Simply click here to start shuffling your personalized tarot cards and receive a quick and insightful tarot love reading right away!

In career readings, the reversed Ten of Pentacles can suggest that someone is feeling unfulfilled in their current job. They may feel like they are stuck and don’t know what to do next.

If you’re considering a career change, this might be the time to start looking around and see what other opportunities are out there!

When pulled in reversed position, the Ten of Pentacles can also indicate that someone might be feeling disconnected from those around them at times.

When this is the case, the best advice would be to reach out and connect with friends or family members who can offer a listening ear.

Even though it can feel quite challenging at first, often times the reversed Ten of Pentacles is a sign that things will eventually get better as long as you’re willing to put in the work.

Stay positive and keep moving forward!

If you are interested in checking some of my personal favorite tarot decks, you can find them by clicking here

In Conclusion

The Ten of Pentacles in upright position generally suggests feelings of safety, security, and abundance.

When reversed, it can indicate feelings of greed or envy and insecurity.

It also suggests that someone may be feeling unfulfilled in their current job or situation.

In general though, the upright Ten of Pentacles is a good sign that things are going well in your life on various levels.

It indicates a positive direction that you’re moving towards, so enjoy the ride!

If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!  

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