Justice Tarot Card: Yes Or No? (Upright, Reversed & Love Meaning)

Justice is a Major Arcana tarot card that often shows up when a decision is about to be made.

When it comes to searching for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, the Justice tarot card can provide some meaningful insights to help you get a better perspective on a specific situation.

In this article we’ll cover the ‘yes or no’ meaning of the Justice tarot card in both the upright and reversed position.

On top of that, we’ll also take a closer look at the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ meaning of this tarot card when it comes to love

If you are interested in checking out my favorite tarot decks, you can find them here

Justice: Yes Or No?

The Justice tarot card means ‘it depends’. Unfortunately, there is not a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer that Justice can provide. As Justice generally represents a strong sense of karma and dealing with the consequences of actions, the meaning of this tarot card heavily depends on the situation. 

Even though the nature of this card may suggest otherwise, the Justice tarot card cannot provide a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. 

As with all situations in life, there is not one clearcut answer to give when it comes to making a judgement call. 

When the Justice card shows up during your tarot reading in the upright position, it is time to turn inwards and listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you.

Justice implies that as long as you are moving forward with your best intentions, the outcome will be what is best for you and the surrounding situation. 

The Justice tarot card from the captivating Light Seer’s Tarot Deck

Justice is a tarot card that represents a strong sense of honesty and equality.

A strong sense of focus combined with a powerful work ethic will get you where you want to be. There are no shortcuts on the road to long lasting success. 

If someone around you has done you wrong, Justice may show up as a form of recognition and as a reminder that karma will work its ways. 

Don’t allow yourself to keep on lingering in negative emotions but instead trust that the Universe will take care of whatever has been done in the past. 

Keep the honor to yourself and focus on your own path. Take positive steps towards your future and don’t let yourself get distracted by those who may have tried to sabotage you along the way.

The good will come out on top. 

One important thing to remember, when asking your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ type of questions, is to keep a few key aspects in mind when it comes to formulating the question you want to ask. Besides always making sure your questions are phrased from a place of positive energy, there are some other aspects you really want to master before asking a question. Keeping these specific aspects in mind will surely help you to get the most accurate answers from your cards! You can check out this article on how to ask your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ questions for more information.

Justice Reversed: Yes Or No?

Justice in reversed position leans heavily towards a ‘no’ answer to your question. As Justice in reverse generally represents a strong sense of injustice and dishonest actions, it is best advised to stay cautious when moving forward. Make sure to get a clear view on the situation first. 

The Justice tarot card in reversed position can often be taken as a sign that some things are not being dealt with correctly.

It can indicate being unable to face the consequences of ones actions by either insecurity or pride. 

Justice in reversed position encourages to take charge and claim responsibility when you know you’ve been in the wrong. 

Justice in reverse can also indicate someone around you is not having the best intentions.

Keep a sense of caution and listen to your intuition when it tells you something is off in a situation. 

Justice And Love: Yes Or No?

When it comes to love, the Justice tarot card means ‘it depends’. As Justice implies that you will be rewarded for your efforts, depending on how much energy has been put into the situation will heavily affect the outcome. In order to interpret this this card correctly, be honest with yourself. 

When you happen to pull the Justice tarot card during a love themed ‘yes or no’ reading, it can be interpreted as a strong sign that karma is at play.

As long as you stay true to yourself and know your intentions are good, the Justice tarot card indicates you will eventually be rewarded in a positive sense.

Justice can also come up during a love and relationship reading as a sign of encouragement to make sure you are treating your partner with respect (or vice versa). 

No matter what issues may arise, make sure to keep on communicating with each other to clear the air and prevent unnecessary tension or grudges.

If you’re single, the Justice tarot card may show itself during your tarot reading as a sign of encouragement to keep moving forward while staying true to yourself and maintaining a sense of balance.

If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

In Conclusion

The Justice tarot card in upright position generally means ‘it depends’. As Justice is all about karma and consequences, a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer cannot be given without further insights and information. 

Tune into your intuition to know which answer is most likely true to your situation. 

When it comes to the Justice tarot card in reverse, the answer to your question most likely is ‘no’

As Justice in reversed position mostly represents a strong sense of injustice and dishonesty, it is important to be careful when moving ahead with something. 

Lastly, when it comes to love and relationships, the Justice tarot card can also best be interpreted as ‘it depends’

The answer to your question heavily depends on how much effort you have been investing into the specific situation. “You get what you give” is the general theme of this tarot card.  

If you liked this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading! 

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