The Page Of Wands Reversed Love Meaning (Outcome, Advice & More)

The Page of Wands is an interesting tarot card that mainly represents a sense of new beginnings.

I personally believe that reversed tarot cards can provide an additional layer of interesting insights to a tarot reading and help you gain a different perspective on a situation.

The Page of Wands is definitely no exception!

In this blog post I will take an in-depth look at the Page of Wands in reversed position and its love meaning.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in!

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The Page Of Wands Reversed Love Meaning

When it comes to love, the Page of Wands in reversed position generally indicates that you are not being truthful with yourself about your romantic intentions. You may be telling yourself that you’re not interested in anyone, when deep down you really want something more.

Alternatively, this card reversed can indicate that someone else is not being truthful with you about their feelings.

If you’re in a relationship, watch out for red flags and trust your intuition if something feels off.

In either case, the Page of Wands in reversed position is a reminder to stay true to yourself and be honest about what you want.

Only then can you create the kind of (love) life that you desire.

The Page of Wands can be interpreted as a young person who is exploring their options in life.

They may be going through a period of change and upheaval, and this can sometimes lead to them making impulsive decisions or acting impulsively.

When this tarot card appears in the reversed position it is important to pay attention to all the details surrounding this card.

The reversed Page of Wands often suggests that there is something you are not seeing or refusing to acknowledge in a relationship.

the page of wands tarot card from the Light Seers tarot deck
The Page of Wands tarot card from the beautiful Light Seer’s Tarot Deck, check it out right here!

Be honest with yourself and don’t ignore any signs, because they are likely there for a reason.

If you are single, the Page of Wands reversed could suggest that you are not being truthful with yourself about what you want in a partner.

Are you settling for someone who is not right for you? Or maybe you’re holding out for Mr. or Mrs. Perfect.

Be honest about your wants and needs, and you’re more likely to find someone who is a good match for you.

It can also suggest that you are simply not ready for a relationship right now.

Either way, the Page of Wands reversed is a sign that it’s time to take a closer look at your relationship and see what needs to change.

A person who represents the Page of Wands in reversed position may feel a bit lost or without a clear purpose at times.

This is especially true if they are going through a major life change, such as a break up or another impactful event.

When the Page of Wands is reversed, it can also suggest that you are not using your energy in the most productive way.

You may feel like you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out of it.

The reversed Page of Wands in reverse can also indicate that you are not taking advantage of opportunities that come your way.

This is a time to take stock of your life and figure out what you need to do to get back on track.

If you are in a relationship, the reversed Page of Wands can suggest that you are not feeling fulfilled.

You may be bored or uninspired, and this can lead to problems down the road.

Talk to your partner about what you need in order to feel happy and fulfilled in the relationship.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and create the life that you deserve.

​​If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

Page Of Wands Reversed Love Advice

When it comes to specific love advice, the Page of Wands reversed suggests that you should be truthful with yourself and your partner. If something feels off, don’t ignore it. Trust your gut and take action accordingly. This is also a good time to reassess your wants and needs in a relationship.

If you’re single, make sure you’re being honest about what you want in a partner.

Don’t settle for someone who is not right for you. Be patient and wait for someone who meets all of your criteria.

In general, the Page of Wands reversed is a reminder to stay true to yourself and be honest in all your relationships.

Only then can you create the kind of love life that you desire.

Page Of Wands Reversed Future Love Meaning

When it comes to the future love meaning of the Page of Wands in reverse, it can be an indication that you will need to make some changes. It could also suggest that you’re not taking advantage of opportunities that are coming your way in the (near) future, so keep your eyes open.

If you are in a relationship, the reversed Page of Wands can suggest that you are not feeling fulfilled.

You may be bored or uninspired, and this can lead to problems down the road.

Talk to your partner about what you need in order to feel happy and fulfilled in the relationship.

Page Of Wands Reversed Love Outcome

When it comes to a specific expected outcome in love, the Page of Wands in reversed position means change. If you’re single, you will likely meet someone new who is a better match for you. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll probably need to make some changes in order to make the relationship work.

The outcome will ultimately depend on your own actions and decisions.

The best way to ensure a positive outcome is to be honest with yourself and stay true to what you want.

When you do this, you open yourself up to the possibility of finding lasting love, both in yourself and with others!

In Conclusion

So, to sum things up, the Page of Wands in reversed position with regards to love often suggests that you need to be more honest with yourself or your partner.

It can also suggest that you’re not taking advantage of opportunities that come your way, and that you are not feeling fulfilled in your relationship.

Make the changes necessary to create the (love) life you ultimately desire.

Even though this tarot card is in reverse, it definitely doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. It actually provides you with a lot of helpful insights that will likely clarify a lot!

There are always things you can do to turn things around.

Listen to your intuition and take action on what it is telling you.

The future is bright!

​​If you liked this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!  

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