7 Of Pentacles And 7 Of Cups Combination Meaning

Tarot card combinations can provide some of the most interesting and uncovering insights.

The 7 of Pentacles and the 7 of Cups tarot card combination is a bit tricky to understand because it can be interpreted in many different ways.

That’s why I’ve created this article for you to help you gain a better understanding of the meaning of this interesting tarot card combination when it shows itself in both the upright and reversed position.

On top of that, you’ll also discover the meaning of the 7 of Pentacles and 7 of Cups combination when it comes to feelings.

If you are interested in checking out my favorite tarot decks, you can find them over here

The 7 Of Pentacles And 7 Of Cups Combination Meaning

The 7 of Pentacles and 7 of Cups tarot card combination generally represent a sense of stability and opportunities for success. It encourages to be open to take a different route and develop your money mindset in a positive manner in order to attract fortune.

The 7 of Pentacles and the 7 of Cups are two very different cards, but they have one thing in common. They are both about being creative with money.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you are experiencing wealth or will soon come into it. The money is there, but it’s still not being used to its full potential.

7 of Cups tarot card from the Light Seers tarot deck
The 7 of Cups from the mesmerizing Light Seer’s Tarot Deck 

The Seven of Cups represents wishes, hopes, and dreams. It’s a sign that the time is ripe for you to take advantage of new opportunities for abundance.

Use your creativity and imagination to generate new ways of using the resources you already have available!

Before you can take advantage of these opportunities, a shift in mindset is essential.

​​If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

The 7 Of Pentacles And 7 Of Cups Reversed Meaning

When the 7 of Pentacles and 7 of Cups appear together in reversed position this generally means you are unable to make use of the opportunities you already have. Both cards together in reverse indicate a lack of progress and stagnation. It’s time to take a step back and reassess your goals.

The Seven of Pentacles and Seven of Cups in reverse together suggests that you’re feeling held back or blocked.

It indicates that your goals may be too ambitious and not grounded in reality which can lead to feeling intimidated to move ahead.

It can even prevent from making any move forward at all.

In order to start taking steps, it is best advised to split up your end-goal into smaller mini-goals in order to make them appear more achievable.

Make a realistic planning in order to prevent getting overwhelmed by a goal that lies too far ahead into the future.

Dreaming big is great and definitely encouraged, but when it is the source of procrastination, then it’s time to take action and make changes accordingly.

7 of Pentacles from the Light Seers tarot deck
The 7 of Pentacles from the captivating Light Seer’s Tarot Deck 

The 7 of Pentacles and 7 of Cups in reversed position can also represent a sense of impatience.

You may not feel like it’s worth putting effort into something if there aren’t any visible results straight away, but this type of mindset likely won’t get you very far.

It is important to realise that success usually doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes time to plant a seed and let it grow into a beautiful prosperous garden. Trust the process and let yourself fall in love with the journey.

The 7 Of Pentacles And 7 Of Cups Combination As Feelings

When it comes to feelings, the 7 of Pentacles and the 7 of Cups together represent two very different things. The Seven of Pentacles usually indicates feelings of satisfaction and security, whereas the Seven of Cups can indicate feelings of confusion and uncertainty.

When these two cards appear together, it can suggest that you’re feeling a bit uncertain about your current situation.

You may be wondering if you’re making the right decisions, or if you’re taking the best path forward.

When it comes to how someone feels about you, the Seven of Pentacles is a reassuring card, while the Seven of Cups can be read as someone who isn’t sure whether they want to stay with you or not.

The Seven of Pentacles usually suggests that the person is content with what they have, while the Seven of Cups can suggest that someone may be feeling lost and uncertain.

When it comes to love and relationship questions, there are a few specific tarot decks which I love to use. I’ve written this other article about it which may interest you as well!

In Conclusion

So, to conclude, the 7 of Pentacles and the 7 of Cups tarot card combination generally means you need to be more open-minded and willing to try new things.

It encourages developing a more creative mindset that will ultimately help to attract abundance and success.

When these two cards appear together in reversed position in a reading, it usually suggests a lack of progress. If this is happening in your life, it’s time to take a step back and reassess your goals.

The Seven of Pentacles in reverse indicates that you’re not taking advantage of the resources you have, while the Seven of Cups in reverse suggests that your goals may be unrealistic.

When it comes to feelings, the 7 of Pentacles and 7 of Cups tarot card combination usually indicates feelings of satisfaction but at the same time a sense of confusion and uncertainty.

​​If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!  

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