The Wheel Of Fortune As Feelings Explained (Upright, Reversed & Combinations)

The Wheel of Fortune is a tarot card that is directly associated with an energy of good luck, new opportunities and change. 

It’s a great card to encounter as it generally suggests something fortunate is about to happen.

As all tarot cards provide deeper layers of meaning, the Wheel of Fortune can also tell some interesting things about feelings or how someone may be feeling about you.

For this reason I have put together this post to help fully understand the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune card when it comes to feelings.

You’ll discover what this card means when it appears in the upright position, as well as the reversed position. 

I will also interpret and explain some of the most common and telling Wheel of Fortune tarot card combinations.

Now let’s get started and jump in right away!

The Wheel Of Fortune As Feelings

The Wheel of Fortune generally represents feelings of change, luck and new opportunities. This tarot card suggests that someone feels very positive and hopeful about something in their life. They feel like they are about to start a new phase and are excited to see what the future holds. 

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card in the upright position radiates a strong sense of optimism and is often perceived as a very uplifting card to receive during a tarot reading.

If you are wondering how someone feels about you, the Wheel of Fortune tends to suggest that this person sees you as a positive force in their life.

They see you as someone who brings change and refreshing perspectives and they are very glad to have you on their side.

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card from the awesome Modern Witch Tarot Deck (check out the current price here!)

If you’re asking about an ex and their feelings towards you, then the Wheel of Fortune is an optimistic sign.

It can indicate that the chapter is not entirely closed yet and they still see you as someone who they admire and respect

The Wheel of Fortune indicates that your relationship has had significant influence on them.

If you’re just starting out with tarot, using a deck that’s both easy to use and understand is essential for a great (and fun!) learning experience. The Quick & Easy Tarot is the absolute best tarot deck for beginners as it has the meanings printed on each of the cards. Make sure to check it out right here!

The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed As Feelings

The Wheel of Fortune in reversed position suggests that the person you’re asking about is feeling that the odds are against them. They could feel stuck in a situation and not sure how to get out of it. This situation could either have something to do with a job or a relationship in specific.  

The reversed Wheel of Fortune can also indicate that someone feels lost and confused.

They may be going through a challenging time and can’t figure out what would be the best way to turn. 

If you are asking about someone’s feelings towards you, then the reversed Wheel of Fortune card can indicate that they feel unsure about you.

They may not be sure what your intentions are when it comes to love and are still trying to figure out what their next step should be. 

The Wheel Of Fortune Combinations As Feelings

Depending on the type of spread you are using, the Wheel of Fortune can appear alongside other tarot cards.

There tarot card combinations can give you deeper insight into how someone is feeling and what their feelings towards you may be. 

Let’s go ahead and uncover some of the most meaningful Wheel of Fortune tarot card combinations with regards to feelings!

The Wheel Of Fortune And 3 Of Pentacles As Feelings

The Wheel of Fortune and 3 of Pentacles is a great combination to encounter if you are asking about how someone feels towards you.

It implies that they see you as hardworking and ambitious and are impressed by your drive and determination.

This person sees potential in you and are excited to see what you will do in the future.

This card combination can also suggest that they are feeling positive about a project or venture that you are working on together (or about to work on together in the future!)

They feel confident that you’ll be able to achieve great things, and want to cheer you on along the way.

This may be someone who you’ve met in a professional context.

The Wheel Of Fortune And Chariot As Feelings

When the Wheel of Fortune and the Chariot appear together, it can suggest that the person you are asking about is feeling very positive and confident.

They feel they are in control of their own destiny and are determined to make their dreams a reality.

This combination can also indicate that this person feels very positive about your relationship together. 

They see you as a supportive partner who helps them to stay focused and motivated and they’re very grateful to have you in their life.

The Wheel Of Fortune And King Of Wands As Feelings

The Wheel of Fortune and the King of Wands is a great combination to receive if you are asking about someone’s feelings towards you.

They see you as a confident and inspiring person, and they are drawn to your positive energy.

If you are asking about an ex-lover and this tarot card combination appears, it can be a good sign. 

It suggests that they are still thinking about you and likely still have a lot of love and respect for you, even if things didn’t work out. 

The Wheel Of Fortune And 4 Of Cups As Feelings

The combination of the Wheel of Fortune and the 4 of Cups together may imply that the person you are asking about is feeling confused.

They might be going through a phase in their life where things feel unstable and the road ahead is unclear. 

This combination can also suggest that they are feeling unsure about the relationship in general. 

This person seems to have a lot on their mind and may be questioning what next move is the right one for them.

If you are in a relationship with this person, making sure to keep communication flowing is important. 

Sometimes all that is needed is a little reassurance and support. 

In Conclusion 

The Wheel of Fortune is one of those card that can provide many different insights, depending on the unique situation it is being applied to.

If you are asking about someone’s feelings towards you, then the Wheel of Fortune is generally a good sign.

It suggests that they are thinking about you and could be fantasizing about a future with you. 

Of course, it’s always important to look at the other cards in the reading to get a fuller understanding of what is going on.

However, if the Wheel of Fortune appears by itself, then it is almost always a positive sign.

If you are interested to learn more about the meaning of other tarot cards, make sure to head over to our tarot section!

Here you will find more in-depth articles on all the major and minor arcana cards which will help you to be able to better understand your readings. 

If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more easethis article will definitely give you some inspiration!

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