King Of Pentacles And Magician Combination: Upright And Reversed

The King of Pentacles and Magician are quite a magical tarot card combination to stumble upon during your tarot reading. When it comes to how to interpret this fascinating duo, there’s an interesting explanation that comes with these cards. 

In this compact article we’ll give you some quick and helpful insights into the meaning of the King of Pentacles and Magician combined in both the upright and reversed position!

King of Pentacles & The Magician
The King of Pentacles & The Magician card from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

King Of Pentacles And Magician: Upright Meaning

The King of Pentacles and Magician tarot card combined generally indicate you will soon be learning an important skill that will be able to elevate you towards the next level in your personal life. This skill will help you manifest your deepest dreams and desires. 

In-Depth explanation of the King of Pentacles, video by Contemporary Tarot

King Of Pentacles And Magician: Reversed Meaning

When pulled in a reversed position, the King of Pentacles and Magician combined represent a lack of confidence and uncertainty, especially with regards to your professional life. Don’t allow yourself to become manipulative in order to reach your goals. Follow your intuition.

In-Depth explanation of the Magician, video by Contemporary Tarot

If you liked this article and would like to discover some more in-depth information, I’ve written this other article on the King of Pentacles that covers how to interpret this powerful tarot card with regards to how someone feels about you. Happy reading!

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