7 Of Swords: Yes Or No? (Upright, Reversed & Love Meaning)

The 7 of Swords is a tarot card that is mostly associated with lies and deception.

When it comes to wanting to receive a specific ‘yes or no’ answer from this tarot card, it can be quite challenging to uncover its message when the Seven of Swords shows up during your ‘yes or no’ tarot reading. 

Therefore I’ve decided to write this article and provide you with an in-depth explanation of the ‘yes or no’ meaning of the 7 of Swords in both the upright and reversed position.

On top of that we’ll also take a look at the specific ‘yes or no’ love meaning of this tarot card. Without further ado, let’s dive right in!

7 Of Swords: Yes Or No?

The 7 of Swords means ‘no’. As the 7 of Swords tarot card mainly represents a strong sense of lies and deceit, it is recommended to take a moment to truly evaluate the situation before thinking about moving forward. Pay attention to the warning signs when they appear. 

When the 7 of Swords shows itself in the upright position, it can be interpreted as quite a pessimistic tarot card to encounter during a tarot reading.

As the Seven of Swords indicates someone may be trying to fool you with their lies, the message this card brings may be difficult to accept.

The 7 of Swords in upright position can also indicate that you’re carrying around a secret yourself that you are hesitating to share with those around you.

7 of swords tarot card from the Light Seers tarot deck
the 7 of Swords Tarot Card from the beautiful Light Seer’s Tarot Deck

Even though it can be very difficult to come to terms with certain secrets or lies, in order to be able to feel light and free again, sharing them with someone you can trust and has your best interest at heart can often be a big relief

Once you have had the chance to clear the air, new chances and possibilities will start to eventually cross your path. 

Experiencing a new sense of energy allows you to rediscover your true potential and make you excited for what is yet to come.

One important thing to remember, when asking your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ type of questions, is to keep a few key aspects in mind when it comes to formulating the question you want to ask. Besides always making sure your questions are phrased from a place of positive energy, there are some other aspects you really want to master before asking a question. Keeping these specific aspects in mind will surely help you to get the most accurate answers from your cards! You can check out this article on how to ask your tarot cards ‘yes or no’ questions for more information. 

7 Of Swords Reversed: Yes Or No?

The 7 of Swords in reversed position means ‘yes’. Even though the 7 of Swords represents a sense of deception, the reversed position implies that you or someone around is willing to take responsibility for their actions this time. The truth is about to be revealed. 

The Seven of Swords in reverse is all about someone owning up to their mistakes. It indicates someone has found the ability within themselves to take responsibility for a specific situation and do whatever is needed to fix it.

The 7 of Swords reversed implies that now is the time to do things differently. In order to fix something that has been broken, owning up to your own part in it and truly meaning it can be the first step towards healing.

When the 7 of Swords in reversed position enters your tarot reading it is a strong sign that some sort of truth will come to light soon. 

7 Of Swords And Love: Yes Or No?

When it comes to love, the 7 of Swords means ‘no’. As the 7 of Swords can often indicate lies and witholding information, it’s important to be cautious whenever this tarot card enters your love themed tarot reading. Listen to your intuition at all times and don’t be afraid to act upon it. 

The 7 of Swords with regards to love and relationships can be taken as a red flag about something.

If you’re single, the 7 of Swords may show up during your tarot reading to encourage you to be cautious when meeting potential partners. Allow yourself to truly get to know someone before diving in deeper. 

Intuition in a very valuable tool to use here as it will almost never let you down. Whenever you feel someone or something is not right for you, listen to your intuition and walk away. 

If you’re in a relationship, the Seven of Swords may imply that you’re feeling a bit of unease around your partner as you may feel like they are hiding something from you. Of course, it can also be the other way around. 

Talking to someone you can trust can be very helpful in getting another perspective on the situation and decide how to move forwards.

If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

In Conclusion

The 7 of Swords means ‘no’. When you happen to pull the Seven of Swords in upright position as an answer to your question it mainly represents a strong sense of lies and deceit. The 7 of Swords in upright position encourages you to listen to what your intuition is telling you at all times.

When pulled in reverse, the 7 of Swords means ‘yes’. It indicates that even though lies may still be surrounding a situation, someone is about to own up to their mistakes. It represents taking the responsibility for your actions and not hiding or coming up with excuses anymore. 

With regards to love and relationships, the Seven of Swords means ‘no’. This card can indicate that it is important to be cautious when meeting new potential partners as not everyone may have your best interest at heart. Listen to your intuition and gut feeling. Walk away whenever you feel someone or something is not right for you. 

If you liked this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading! 

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