Queen Of Swords As Outcome Meaning: Love, Job, Reverse & More

The Queen of Swords tarot card generally represents someone who is very confident, independent and wise. There are several ways to interpret this card when it comes up in the outcome position of a tarot spread. 

Depending on the focus of your question, whether it’s related to love, career or finances, there’s a specific meaning to each of them. Without further ado, let’s find out the meaning of the Queen of Swords in the outcome position! 

Queen Of Swords As Outcome

The Queen of Swords as the outcome card of your tarot reading generally indicates a sense of intense focus and making logical decisions instead of groundlessly following your hunches. This tarot card predicts you will be walking a unique path which will inspire others along your journey. 

The Queen of Swords embodies someone who is extremely smart and tactical. They easily see through other people’s intentions and are not afraid to stick up for themselves (and others) when necessary. 

As an outcome card, the Queen of Sword can be taken as a sign that you will be following your own path in life and not let others talk you out of the ideas you have in mind. You truly have what it takes to be a great leader and example for others. 

queen of swords as outcome
the Queen of Swords card from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

It indicates you are very aware that you need to put your own wants and needs first before being able to take care of others. You will be making some impactful decisions that will lead you to a life full of inspiration and new exciting experiences. 

The Queen of Swords as the outcome card of a tarot reading can also indicate a strong and inspiring female figure will soon enter your life to give you powerful advice with regards to an area of your life you have been struggling with. This is very likely someone who is older than you and has been going through the same situation in the past. Listen to what she has to say carefully and try to apply her guidance where possible. 

the Queen of Swords tarot card explained by Contemporary Tarot

Queen Of Swords As Outcome Love

When the Queen of Swords presents itself as the outcome card during a love related tarot reading, this indicates you will be focussing less on attracting love into your life in the (near) future. You will be focussing on yourself right now in order to become the best person you can be. 

Queen Of Swords As Outcome Job & Career

The Queen of Swords in the outcome position of a job & career tarot reading indicates you will be working hard towards accomplishing your business goals. You will be prioritizing your career over other aspects of your life at this moment. Be aware of people trying to sabotage your plans. 

Queen Of Swords As Financial Outcome 

The Queen of Swords as outcome card during a financial reading means you will very likely soon meet one or more people who can be of great significance to your financial position. Try to take this person’s advice to heart and not immediately put your guard up. 

Queen Of Swords Reversed As Outcome 

In reversed position, the Queen of Swords as the outcome card indicates you will be experiencing feelings of confusion. Someone close to you may start to act in a negative manner towards you as they are likely jealous of what you are currently accomplishing in your life. 

In Conclusion

When the Queen of Swords presents itself in the outcome position during a tarot reading, this generally indicates an intense sense of focus and the prospect of making some powerful decisions. 

In more specific areas such as love and career, this card indicates you will be focussing on accomplishing your highest goals and ambitions. 

When pulled in a reversed position, the Queen of Swords as the outcome card predicts confusion is on its way. 

If you liked this article about the Queen of Swords and would like to find out more information on this card, I’ve written this other article that covers how to interpret the Queen of Swords when it comes to specific questions that require a clear yes or no answer!

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