Queen Of Pentacles And Page Of Cups Combination: Upright, Reversed & Feelings

The Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups make an interesting combination. Whenever I happen to pull these two tarot cards together during my tarot reading, I know that I am on the right track!

Where the Queen of Pentacles is generally known for representing success and wealth, the Page of Cups embodies an emotional individual who can best be described as the ultimate dreamer.

In this article we’ll go ahead and take a deeper look into the meaning of the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups combination in both the upright and reversed position as well as find out how to interpret this tarot card combination when it comes to feelings!

Queen Of Pentacles And Page Of Cups: Upright Meaning

In the upright position, the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups combination represents incorporating a sense of spirituality with a usually down to earth mindset. This tarot card combination encourages to dream and explore while at the same time keeping things practical and organized. 

When the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups both enter your tarot reading in the upright position, it can be taken as a sure-fire sign that you’ve got a set of unique qualities that could potentially take you very far on the road towards success. 

This tarot card combination indicates that you can easily switch between different hats. On one hand you have the ability to be this business minded and structured individual, whereas on the other hand you’re very connected to your creative and spiritual side as well. When you combine these two talent, fireworks are to be expected!

The Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups together can also at times indicate that it’s important to remember and honor your inner-child. As it can be quite easy to fully immerse in business and other serious activities, making room for having fun and playing is an essential part of life that shouldn’t be forgotten about.

Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups tarot card from the Light Seer's tarot deck
The Queen of Pentacles and the Page of Cups from the mesmerizing Light Seer’s Tarot Deck!

Listen to your intuition and feel what it wants to tell you. Allow yourself to take some time off to focus on getting some much needed quality time squeezed in.

Make sure to incorporate some fun activities in your busy agenda and don’t allow other things to get in the way in the meantime. Actually prioritizing to relax and have fun on a regular basis will eventually have a positive effect on all other aspects in your life. Resting and having fun are necessary essentials to balance out your career focused mindset.

Queen Of Pentacles And Page Of Cups: Reversed Meaning

When pulled in reverse, the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups combination indicates that a sense of immaturity is forming a blockage on the road to success. It represents being held back by negative beliefs and feeling more comfortable fantasizing instead of actually taking practical steps. 

Even though the Queen of Pentacles normally represents strong potential and the possession of valuable skills and knowledge, this tarot card combination with the Page of Cups in reversed position indicates a sense of confidence is missing.

When these cards enter your tarot reading in reversed position it can be taken as a gentle reminder to start believing in your personal power. You truly have got a lot of good things going for you, now it is time you start to notice your unique and valuable talents too!

When pulled in reversed position, the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups can also show up when you’ve been too busy focusing on your work and career. It indicates that you may have been ignoring your playful side which can lead to feeling a sense of imbalance.

Queen Of Pentacles And Page Of Cups As Feelings

When it comes to feelings, the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups combination represents someone who feels very excited to move forwards in the direction of their ultimate dreams and desires. They feel like everything is possible as long as they set their mind to it and put in the work. 

If the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups both show up during your tarot reading after having asked a question with regards to how someone feels towards you, this tarot card combination is a very positive sign to encounter. 

As these tarot cards generally represent success and deep emotions, it is a strong indication that the person you’ve aimed your question towards feels excited and optimistic about the situation they find themselves in. 

This person might normally come across as quite down to earth and grounded, but when it comes to love or having a crush they become this romantic and sensitive individual who can’t help but beam positivity wherever they go. They are the embodiment of rose tinted glasses.

If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

In Conclusion

So, to sum things up, when the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups combination pops up during your tarot reading in the upright position this generally represents a strong sense of success mixed with spirituality and creativity.

In reversed position, the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups combination indicates that it’s time to take an honest look at your sense of responsibility. It represents feeling tempted to hide behind fantasies instead of actually taking the required steps to reach your desired goals. 

When it comes to feelings, the Queen of Pentacles and Page of Cups combination represents feeling like anything you want is possible. It indicates feeling very confident in your own abilities and feeling inspired and motivated to work towards your ultimate dreams. 

If you liked this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!  

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