How To Cleanse Aventurine: 5 Effective Methods Explained

Aventurine is a crystal that is generally known to be very beneficial for improving your sense of self-confidence, restoring balance and sparking creativity.

When it comes to Aventurine, the Green Aventurine stone is the most commonly known variant out there. 

Cleansing your Aventurine crystal on a regular basis will allow the crystal to reset its energy and return to its original state.

Cleansing is an important step in order for the Aventurine crystal to be able to keep providing you with the unique qualities it has to offer!

That’s why I’ve created this article for you to help you discover 5 effective and easy cleansing methods for (Green) Aventurine. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!  

green aventurine crystal

How To Cleanse Aventurine With Water

Aventurine crystal can be cleansed with water by simply holding the stone under the tap for a couple of minutes or using water collected from either a lake, river or stream. After having cleansed the Aventurine with water, make sure to let it dry thoroughly. 

As (Green) Aventurine crystal scores between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs Scale of mineral hardness, it is a crystal that can withstand a bit of water with ease. 

There are a lot of different ways to cleanse Aventurine with water, however the most easy method would be giving your Aventurine crystal a quick rinse under the tap

If you’d like to incorporate more natural elements to your cleansing practice, using water collected from a spring, river or (sweet water) lake are each great options. 

Whatever type of water cleansing method you happen to choose though, make sure you choose the one you feel most intuitively drawn to. 

After you’re done cleansing the Aventurine crystal with water, make sure to let it completely dry. This can either be done manually or by letting the natural power of the sun dry your precious crystal. 

If you choose to do the latter, do collect the crystal as soon as it’s dried as being exposed to the sunlight for extended periods of time might eventually cause Aventurine to fade in color. 

How To Cleanse Aventurine With Sage

If you’re looking to cleanse your Aventurine crystal by using sage it is best advised to use a copper bowl or Abalone shell, lay your sage in it and light up the end of the sage stick. When the sage starts to smoke, gently guide your Aventurine through the smoke. 

I personally like to use an Abalone shell whenever I smudge with sage, but copper smudge bowls like this one are equivalently suitable and effective.

Whenever you burn sage, make sure to keep a window open for ventilation and never let the burning sage stay unattended for safety reasons.

How To Cleanse Aventurine With Other Crystals

Crystals such as Selenite and Clear Quartz are great to use for cleansing purposes. In order to do so; make sure your Aventurine crystal comes in direct contact with the cleansing crystal and let them rest together for a minimum of 12 hours before separating the crystals. 

Using a Selenite stick is especially great for cleansing purposes as it has the perfect surface to place other crystals upon.

A large Clear Quartz piece will also work really well to cleanse your (Green) Aventurine crystal with.

How To Cleanse Aventurine During Full Moon

The Full Moon is a very powerful natural crystal cleanser. In order to cleanse your Aventurine crystal during the Full Moon you can either lay your Aventurine crystal in your garden or on your balcony or windowsill in order to let the stone take in its powerful cleansing energies. 

As the Full Moon is known to be very beneficial for closing cycles or letting go of specific situations that are no longer serving you, it is also great to focus on sending your Aventurine crystal some positive affirmations before putting it out in the moonlight. 

You could use an affirmation like: “I allow my Aventurine crystal to release all negative energies and cycles that are no longer serving me and am open to receive new positive energy and opportunities”.

Can You Cleanse Aventurine With Incense?

As incense is a great and mild cleansing tool, it is perfect to use for cleansing Aventurine. In order to use incense for cleansing Aventurine; put your incense stick in an incense holder, light up the end of the incense until it starts producing smoke and guide your crystal through the smoke. 

There are many types of incense which are great for cleansing purposes. I personally love to use this one.

Whenever you burn incense (or sage); remember to keep a window open for ventilation while the incense is lighted and never leave the incense unattended while you’re burning it.

Can You Cleanse Aventurine In Salt Water?

Salt water can best be avoided when it comes to cleansing Aventurine crystal. Even though in theory Aventurine should be able to withstand salt, it can easily negatively affect the crystal whenever it already has a small trace of damage. Therefore it is best to use a different cleansing method. 

As (Green) Aventurine is a quartz crystal which makes it quite robust; it would probably survive a short salt bath. However, this is a cleansing method I would certainly not recommend.

If your Aventurine crystal does happen to come in contact with salt water, make sure to rinse it off under the tap as quickly as possible and let the crystal dry from top to bottom.

How To Cleanse Aventurine Necklace

Aventurine necklaces (or other types of jewelry such as bracelets and rings) can best be cleansed by either using sage, incense or other crystals. Even though water can normally also be used as a cleansing tool for Aventurine, when it comes to necklaces, it can better be avoided. 

As the necklace can consist of other materials that may not do well with water, it is best advised to use a milder cleansing method such as sage, incense or other crystals such as Selenite or Clear Quartz. 

How To Cleanse Yellow Aventurine

Yellow Aventurine can be cleansed by either using (spring) water, sage, incense, other crystals or by using the natural power of the Moon. Yellow Aventurine has the same consistency as the more commonly known Green Aventurine and therefore the same cleansing methods apply. 

How To Cleanse Red Aventurine

Red Aventurine scores between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness and therefore can also be cleansed by using (spring) water. Besides cleansing Red Aventurine with water, using other cleansing methods such as sage or incense are also very effective.

Can You Cleanse Blue Aventurine In Water?

Blue Aventurine can be cleansed by using water. To clean Blue Aventurine with water you can simply hold the crystal under the tap for a minute or two and let it completely dry afterwards. Avoid using salt water as it may damage the Blue Aventurine crystal. 

In Conclusion

Aventurine, or Green Aventurine, can best be cleansed by using one of the following 5 cleansing methods: (spring) water, sage, incense, other crystals such as Selenite or Clear Quartz, or by using the natural influences of the Moon

When it comes to cleansing Aventurine crystal with water, it is best advised to avoid salt water. Even though (Green) Aventurine is part of the Quartz family and scores between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness, salt can easily damage the Aventurine crystal whenever it already shows some traces of vulnerability. 

If you enjoyed this article and would like to find out which crystals are great to keep in the bedroom, I’ve written this other article that will definitely provide you with some calming inspiration!

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