2 Of Cups Reversed Explained: Changes Coming Your Way

Tarot can be a great tool to help you tap into your intuition and get a glimpse of what the future holds.

When you’ve stumbled across this article, you’re probably wondering what it means when the 2 of Cups tarot card showed itself in reversed position during your tarot reading.

In this article we’ll explain how to interpret the 2 of Cups in reversed position when it comes to different types of question and situations.

We will take an in-depth look at the meaning of the 2 of Cups in reverse with regards to love, feelings, advice and much more!

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2 Of Cups Reversed Meaning

The 2 of Cups in reversed position generally means that you need to change your focus and attention towards something else. The 2 of Cups in reverse can be interpreted as a sign that you should focus on your own needs for the time being and not worry about others.

In most cases, the Two of Cups in reverse suggests that there are some big changes coming your way.

This could be either in the form of a relationship change, a change of jobs or even a move.

Due to the many possibilities that are being presented to you, you may feel like you’re stuck at the moment and don’t know which way to turn.

The good news is that this tarot card is pointing to the fact that you’ll find your true path sooner than you may expect.

2 of cups tarot card from the Light Seers tarot deck
The 2 of Cups tarot card from the captivating Light Seer’s Tarot Deck 

When it comes to change, even though it can feel daunting and intimidating at times, it really is best to accept and embrace it rather than resisting it or even running away from it.

The more accepting you are of changes in life, the easier they will be for you to deal with them and get through them successfully.

The Two of Cups in reverse is also generally a sign that you need to take some time for yourself.

This tarot card suggests that you may have been giving too much of your energy to others and haven’t been taking care of your own needs as much as you need to.

Lastly, the Two of Cups tarot card in reversed position can also at times be taken as a sign of caution that someone may not have your best interest at heart.

Listen to your intuition when it tells you something feels off.

2 Of Cups Reversed Love Meaning

When it comes to love, the 2 of Cups in reverse often represents a relationship that is no longer fulfilling or satisfying. You may feel as though you’ve given too much and haven’t received enough in return. The 2 of Cups in reverse encourages to openly communicate and speak what’s on your mind.

In a love reading, the Two of Cups reversed can suggest that there are some challenges in your relationship.

These could be either trust issues or finding it difficult to communicate effectively.

It’s important to remember however that the 2 of Cups in reversed position doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship is doomed.

In fact, it’s often a sign that you and your partner are strong enough to work through these problems.

In some cases, this reversed card can suggest that you’re not being true to yourself in a relationship.

You may be compromising your own values and beliefs in order to keep the peace. You could also be hiding significant aspects of yourself from your partner.

If you can learn to communicate effectively and rebuild the trust that has been lost with each other, then the relationship has a good chance of surviving.

If you’re single, the Two of Cups in reversed position could suggest that you’re not ready for a serious relationship at the moment.

You may be enjoying your independence too much to want to commit to a partner right now. This is totally fine, as long as you’re not hurting anyone in the process.

​​If you’re interested in finding out what type of love & relationship questions are most effective to ask your tarot cards, I’ve created this other article with 61 example questions that will definitely provide you with some inspiration!

2 Of Cups Reversed As Feelings

When it comes to feelings, the 2 of Cups in reversed position often indicates that you’re not feeling as happy and optimistic as usual. You may feel like you’re stuck in a situation which can lead to feelings of frustration and overwhelm. Give yourself some extra love and take it easy for now.

When the Two of Cups shows up in a tarot reading in reversed position, it usually suggests that you’re not feeling your best at the moment.

You may be trying to ignore your feelings or push them down in order to deal with them.

This card can also suggest that you’re not being honest with yourself about how you feel with regards to something or someone.

The Two of Cups in reverse indicates your emotions are getting in the way of your ability to think clearly at the moment.

You may be acting impulsively without taking into consideration what is actually happening around you.

2 Of Cups Reversed As Advice

When it comes to interpreting the 2 of Cups as advice, the reversed position usually suggests that you need to take a step back and assess the current situation before making any impactful decisions. Collect all the information you need before moving forward.

When the Two of Cups in reverse shows up in a tarot reading, it’s often a sign that you need to make some changes in your life.

As change is the only thing that is a true constant in this life, the best thing you can do is embrace these changes and let them flow naturally.

Don’t be tempted to resist them or try to run away from them.

Instead, face your problems head on and make the changes that you feel are necessary for you to move forward in life.

If you feel you’ve been focusing too much on others lately, allow yourself to take the time and space you need to recharge.

2 Of Cups Reversed As A Person

When the 2 of Cups in reverse is described as a person, it generally can be described as someone who has the tendency to look away from their issues. They find it hard to tackle their problems head on and will do anything to prevent having to deal with their problems.

The 2 of Cups in reversed position often represents someone who is not being true to themselves.

This person may be hiding their feelings from others in order to keep the peace or avoid relationships altogether.

The Two of Cups in reverse often describes someone who has been hurt before and believes that love is a waste of time.

This person may have been betrayed or hurt badly in the past and is now afraid to trust again.

2 Of Cups Reversed Yes Or No Meaning

The 2 of Cups in reversed position can best be interpreted as a ‘no’ answer to your question. When the 2 of Cups in reverse shows up during your reading it indicates that now may not be the best time to move forward and it’s time to get some distance from the situation.

When the 2 of Cups in reverse shows up during a ‘yes or no’ tarot reading, it can be taken as a clear ‘no’ answer to your question.

This suggests that you’re not ready for what’s being proposed and it’s time to walk away, at least for now.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the ‘yes or no’ meaning of the 2 of Cups tarot card, I have written this other article that you may find helpful as well!

2 Of Cups And Ace Of Cups Reversed Combination

The 2 of Cups and Ace of Cups reversed as a tarot card combination generally means that you’re not seeing things clearly right now. Your emotions are getting in the way of your ability to think straight. You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed and lacking a sense of control.

When the 2 of Cups and Ace of Cups combination shows itself in reversed position during your tarot reading this means that you may be looking for love in all the wrong places.

2 Of Cups And Tower Reversed Combination

The 2 of Cups and the Tower reversed as a tarot card combination generally means that you’re not being truthful with yourself or others. You may be hiding your true feelings and pretending to be someone you’re not. Try to open up and remember that honesty is always the best policy.

When 2 of Cups and the Tower in reversed position show up together during your tarot reading, it indicates that you may be hiding your true feelings from others.

You’re not being as open and honest as possible, which can cause issues in your relationships.

It’s time to bring everything out into the open so you can get things straightened out!

2 Of Cups And Lovers Reversed Combination

The 2 of Cups and the Lovers reversed as a tarot card combination generally suggests that you’re not sure if you should move forward or stay where you are. You may be feeling stuck and not sure which path to take. Focus on yourself for now to get some clarity.

This combination of the 2 of Cups and the Lovers together in reversed position suggests that you’re not taking care of your own needs in a relationship.

You’ve been giving too much and haven’t been taking time for yourself.

You’re trying to do too much and not allowing yourself enough time to rest in between tasks.

the Lovers tarot card from the Light Seers tarot deck
The Lovers tarot card from the mesmerizing Light Seer’s Tarot Deck 

The 2 of Cups and the Lovers in reversed position implies that you’re not sure if a relationship is right for you.

You may be feeling hesitant and unsure about taking the next step. You need to focus on yourself right now to figure out what you really want.

In Conclusion

The 2 of Cups in reversed position generally means that you are not being honest with yourself about how you feel.

You may be trying to ignore your feelings or push them down so that they don’t come out.

When it comes to love related questions, the 2 of Cups in reverse often represents a relationship that is no longer fulfilling or satisfying.

The advice from the 2 of Cups in reversed position is to face your problems head on and make the changes that are necessary for you to move forward in life.

When it comes to receiving a clear ‘yes or no’ answer from the 2 of Cups in reversed position, the answer you’re looking for is ‘no’.

​​If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesome tarot decks that have helpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease, I’ve written this other article that may give you some inspiration! Happy reading!  

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