King Of Pentacles And Ace Of Wands: Love, Career, Advice And More

Tarot card combinations can provide a unique point of view as opposed to solely depending on the meaning of a single tarot card.

When it comes to the King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands showing up together during your tarot reading, there’s interesting ways to interpret this powerful tarot card combination. 

In this article we’ll take a closer look at the general meaning of this fascinating pair in both the upright and reversed position. On top of that, you’ll also discover its specific meaning with regards to love, career and much more! 

King Of Pentacles And Ace Of Wands: General Meaning

The King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands as a tarot card combination generally represent the start of a new exciting project. It indicates a state of rebirth. This could be both in your personal and professional life. You will seize the opportunities that are being given to you.  

As the Ace of Wands is known to strongly represent growth and new possibilities, this card combined with the King of Pentacles indicates that this new project will turn out to be exceptionally fruitful. 

These two tarot cards together offer an inspiring insight in what could be when you decide to give it your all. You’ve got the qualities required to bring your plans to a successful end. 

The King of Pentacles & Ace of Wands from the most widely used Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

The King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands generate an incredible amount of energy together that promises to create an overflowing state of abundance

By keeping yourself on track and staying disciplined, you’ll be able to fully profit from your highest potential and break through self-limiting beliefs.

This helpful video by Moonlight Guidance provides some further insights on the tarot card meanings of both the Ace of Wands (1:01:53) and King of Pentacles (1:10:12)

King Of Pentacles And Ace Of Wands As Love & Feelings

The King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands with regards to love and feelings indicate someone new is about to enter your life. This person likely shares your vision to create a stable and secure base. There’s a great chance they can see you as someone they’d like to build their future with. 

King Of Pentacles And Ace Of Wands In Job & Career

The King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands combination with regards to your job and career represent new opportunities. You could be offered a new position within your current company or maybe even start your own business venture. You have a lot of refreshing ideas to put into action. 

King Of Pentacles And Ace Of Wands As Advice

As advice, the King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands encourage you to listen to your intuition when it comes to ideas that excite you. There’s a reason your attention has been sparked when it comes to seizing a specific opportunity. Don’t let it pass you by. 

King Of Pentacles And Ace Of Wands Reversed

When pulled in the reversed position, the King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands combined represent a sense of distraction and a lack of guidance in your life. It is time to take a closer look at your higher purpose and make your ‘why’ crystal clear to yourself. 

In Conclusion

The King of Pentacles and Ace of Wands as a tarot card combination generally represent new opportunities. 

When it comes to your love life, these two cards combined indicate a new person will soon enter your life that shares the same values as you; they’d like to create something stable and exciting together.

In your current job and your career in general, the King of Pentacles combined with the Ace of Wands represents the possibility to move on to a new position, either within the company you currently work for, or elsewhere. 

When pulled in reversed position, these two tarot cards combined indicate a sense of distraction which could lead to missed opportunities. 

If you liked this article and would like to find out more information on these two interesting tarot cards, I’ve written this other article on the King of Pentacles that covers how to interpret this powerful tarot card with regards to how someone feels about you. When it comes to the Ace of Wands and receiving a clear ‘yes or no’ answerthis article will provide you with some useful insights as well. Happy reading!

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