Four Of Wands Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More)

As someone who has had their fair share of tarot card readings over the years, I know just how powerful and insightful they can be. 

One of the cards I’ve always been drawn to is the Four of Wands reversed.

Although in its regular position, the Four of Wands is often associated with good fortune and success, when this card shows up in a reading upside down, its meaning changes drastically, becoming a sign of stagnation rather than celebration.

In this blog post, I invite you to join me on a journey as we explore the meaning of the Four of Wands reversed in detail, uncovering what this card signifies in terms of love, career, advice and much more interesting aspects of life.

Let’s dive in right away!

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The Meaning Of The Four Of Wands Reversed

During a tarot card reading, the Four of Wands in reversed position is usually an indication that it’s time to reassess your current situation. The reversed Four of Wands represents feelings of stagnation and insecurity when it comes to personal goals, relationships and opportunities.

This card often shows itself as a sign that you need to rethink your expectations and that there may occur some form of resistance to change in the upcoming weeks or months ahead. 

The Four of Wands tarot card from the mesmerizing Light Seer’s Tarot Deck

The 4 of Wands reversed indicates that you may be a bit too close-minded to new perspectives, which needs to be paid attention to as it could hinder your progress and growth.

Now that we’ve covered the general meaning of the Four of Wands in reverse, let’s go ahead and take a look at some more specific interpretations of this interesting card.

But before we dive in, I’m excited to introduce you to my favorite online tarot platform Mystic Sense that currently has an absolute no-brainer offer for all new users.

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So, don’t wait – try it out today and see what messages the cards have in store for you!

Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the reversed Four of Wands tends to be a sign that there’s an imbalance at play. 

You could be feeling unsupported by your partner or feeling as though they aren’t putting in enough work and effort to make the relationship successful.

Sometimes, this card serves as a gentle warning that there may be unresolved issues or feelings that need to be addressed before this relationship can progress further with ease.

When it comes to love, the Four of Wands reversed tends to represents (minor) disagreements.

This may be caused by a variety of things such as misunderstandings, lack of communication or differences in priorities. 

If you’re still in the early stages of a relationship, this 4 of Wands in reverse can also represent a lack of progression or depth at this point.

Of course, this does not necessarily mean it’s time to drastically break up with your partner.

Instead, it serves as a loving reminder that even though you are in a relationship, there is still work to be done and conversations to be had.

Now, if you feel like these interpretations don’t resonate with your current situation, this can very well be a sign that the reversed Four of Wands is speaking to you in a more abstract sense which means you should rely more on your intuition to interpret its unique message.

Remember to always trust your own judgement and intuition when it comes to tarot and don’t take any single card’s meaning as absolute truth.

If you’re just getting started with tarot, it’s important to have the right tarot deck for your needs. Finding a deck that resonates with you can make all the difference when it comes to having a successful tarot reading. Make sure to check out my blog post on the best tarot decks for beginners to find the right deck for you!

Career & Advice

When it comes to career advice, the reversed Four of Wands can indicate that you’re not maximizing your full potential or using your skills in the best possible way at this point. 

It also tends to represent feelings of insecurity or a lack of motivation, which could be ultimately holding you back from achieving your goals.

It could be that you’re not taking enough (calculated) risks in order to move forward or you may simply feel a bit hesitant to make changes that would help your career progress. 

The Four of Wands reversed encourages you to take more initiative and trust yourself if you want to move forward in your professional life.

This card serves as a gentle reminder that it’s time to make a change, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone. 

Once you’re done with the current state of stagnation and ready to make the necessary adjustments, you’ll be able to take off for bigger and better things!

I personally have encountered the reversed Four of Wands as a gentle nudge to step outside of my comfort zone in my career. 

I remember feeling a sense of insecurity and a lack of motivation, which was definitely hindering my progress.

It pushed me to take a bit more risk and make changes that ultimately propelled my professional growth.

If you received the Four of Wands reversed in relation to your career, you could currently be experiencing a delay in your plans or projects. 

Perhaps you have been expecting a promotion or an offer and it is taking longer than you expected.

Alternatively, you may have been working with colleagues or partners towards a common goal but things are not going as planned. 

If this seems to be the case for you, be patient, take a step back and re-evaluate your strategies.


If you’re looking for some actionable advice and the Four of Wands shows up in the reversed position, it usually means that you need to take a clear and honest look at yourself and your current situation. 

Be open to accepting advice from those around you who have experience in the matter at hand and consider their perspectives before moving forward.

When I received the reversed Four of Wands as I was asking for advice, it struck a chord within me.

I suddenly realized that I had been too focused on my end goals and had failed to appreciate the small victories and milestones along the way.

It reminded me to celebrate my achievements, no matter how small, and find joy in the journey.

Make sure to remember that progress isn’t always linear.

Sometimes you have to take a few steps back before you can make that two steps forward again.

It’s important to be patient and trust yourself as you move towards your goals slowly but steady.

The Four of Wands reversed wants to encourage you to to celebrate your victories, milestones and accomplishments, no matter how small they may appear to you.

If you’re only focusing on the end goal, there’s a great chance you could be missing out on experiences and little successes that can give life meaning and joy. 

So, take some time to celebrate what you have achieved and pursue new ventures with an optimistic outlook!

Yes Or No

The Four of Wands in reversed position can generally be interpreted as a ‘no‘ answer to your question as it implies stagnation and insecurity. 

This card is often an indication that it is time to re-evaluate your situation before making any big decisions or moves.

If you’d like to learn more about the ‘yes or no’ meaning of this card, make sure to check out this other blog post I wrote that goes in-depth on the topic.

As A Person

When the Four of Wands reversed shows up as a description of a person, it usually represents someone who is hesitant to take risks and try new things. 

They may be too afraid of failure, or stuck in their comfort zone, preventing them from achieving their full potential.

If you know and care about this person, and you feel comfortable doing so, try to encourage and support them to get out of current state.

Provide them with love and understanding during their journey of self-discovery, and be patient as they take steps to reach their goals.


If you’re wondering if the Four of Wands reversed is a good sign in terms of a specific outcome, it’s crucial to remember that this card can represent both stagnation and progress.

It is an indication that you must rethink your current situation and make adjustments accordingly in order to move forward with confidence.

Be patient with yourself and trust that you are on the right path, even if you may not see the full road ahead yet. 

It may take some time, but with patience and dedication, progress will come. 

The Four of Wands reversed serves as a sign that bigger and better things are coming your way, that is, if you’re willing to put in the work and take inspired action!

As How Someone Sees You

If the Four of Wands reversed appears when you’re wondering how someone sees you, it could mean that they think you are hesitant to take risks or try new things.

They may believe that you’re afraid to fail or just a very humble person, and this is holding you back from achieving your full potential.

Now if you ask me, this is not a bad thing at all, as this is a highly valued quality in both professional and personal settings!

However, it’s important to acknowledge your fears, but also to be mindful of how those fears may be preventing you from reaching your goals.

It’s perfectly fine to take things slow and be cautious, but it’s also important to challenge yourself and try new experiences every now and then.

Open yourself up to new learning experiences and try to find joy in the journey.

You never know what kind of opportunities may come your way if you just take that first step!

Final Thoughts

I think it doesn’t come as a surprise to say that the Four of Wands reversed can come across as a bit unsettling and uncomfortable at first, but the valuable insights and guidance it offers can positively impact different areas of your life. 

If you happen to have encountered this card in your reading, take a moment to reflect on what it means for you, apply it to your personal situation and think of ways you can positively act on the advice it offers.

I personally find the reversed Four of Wands to be a powerful reminder that although progress may not always be linear or fast, it can still be very impactful and meaningful in the long run. 

It encourages us to stay open-minded, remain patient and flexible, take risks and trust ourselves and our unique abilities.

These are essential qualities to have when it comes to achieving our goals and creating the life we want.

As you explore the meaning of the reversed Four of Wands in your own life, I encourage you to reflect on your personal experiences and the lessons they have brought you.

Trust in the wisdom of tarot and your own intuition to guide you towards your true potential, joy and fulfillment.

Embrace the insights and apply them to your unique journey, knowing that even in moments of uncertainty, you possess a great amount of power to shape your own destiny.

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